# P2P-JAVA-PROJECT version 1 (Protocol for step 1) All messages begins with `P2P-JAVA-PROJECT VERSION 1.0\n` (this version of the protocol). ## Client messages - `LIST\n`: ask the server to list files from server root directory - `DOWNLOAD\n\n`: ask the server to download file from server root directory. Only one filename is allowed per request. ## Server responses - The response to `LIST` request is in the format `LIST\n\n\n[…]\n\n` - The response to `DOWNLOAD` request is `LOAD\n\n\n` or `NOT FOUND\n` if the file doesn't exists. - The server send a `PROTOCOL ERROR\n` message if it doesn't understands what the client sent. - The server send a `INTERNAL ERROR\n` message if it encounters an internal error. # P2P-JAVA-PROJECT version 1.1 (Binary protocol for step 1) ```Datagram format 1 byte: [0-7: VERSION(0x11, first quartet is major version, second is minor)] 1 byte: [8-15: REQUEST/RESPONSE CODE] 2 bytes: [16-31: RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE] 4 bytes: [32-63: PAYLOAD SIZE IN BYTES] x bytes: [64-xx: PAYLOAD] ``` ## Requests and responses codes - REQUESTS (msb is 0): - `LIST` (0x00) - `LOAD` (0x01) - RESPONSES (msb is 1): - `LIST` (0x80) - `LOAD` (0x81) - `VERSION ERROR` (0xC0) - `PROTOCOL ERROR` (0xC1) - `INTERNAL ERROR` (0xC2) - `EMPTY DIRECTORY` (0xC3) - `NOT FOUND` (0xC4) ### List Payload size for list request is always zero. Payload for list response is filenames separated by `\n`. Payload size for list response is never zero. #### Empty directory When directory is empty. Payload size for empty directory is always zero. ### Load #### Not found Response when the file requested is not found on the server. Payload size for Not found is zero. #### Load response Payload contains ``` 8 bytes: [64-127: OFFSET OF FILE CONTENT IN BYTES] 8 bytes: [128-191: TOTAL FILESIZE] y bytes: [\n] z bytes: [FILE CONTENT] ``` #### Load request Payload contains only the name of the file to load. ### Other response code (errors) #### Version error Response when datagram received use wrong version code. #### Protocol error Response when the request cannot be interpreted (but version is correct). Payload size for Protocol error is zero #### Internal error Response in internal failure case. Payload size for Internal error is zero.