Microsoft.AI.WindowsServer A telemetry initializer that will gather Azure Web App Role Environment context information. Azure Web App Hostname. This will include the deployment slot, but will be same across instances of same slot. Predefined suffix for Azure Web App Hostname. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes device context. The telemetry to initialize. A telemetry initializer that will gather Azure Role Environment context information. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes device context. The telemetry to initialize. Searches for the environment variable specific to Azure web applications and confirms if the current application is a web application or not. Boolean, which is true if the current application is an Azure web application. A telemetry context initializer that will set component context version on the base of BuildInfo.config information. The version for this component. Initializes version of the telemetry item with the version obtained from build info if it is available. The telemetry context to initialize. Loads BuildInfo.config and returns XElement. Gets the version for the current application. If the version cannot be found, we will return the passed in default. The extracted data. Telemetry module that sets developer mode to true when is not already set AND managed debugger is attached. Function that checks whether debugger is attached with implementation that can be replaced by unit test code. Gives the opportunity for this telemetry module to initialize configuration object that is passed to it. Configuration object. A telemetry context initializer that will gather device context information. Populates device properties on a telemetry item. Obsolete. A telemetry context initializer that used to populate role instance name. Preserved for backward compatibility. Note that role instance will still be populated with the machine name as in the previous versions. Obsolete method. The telemetry to initialize. The singleton instance for our reader. The Azure role name (if any). The Azure role instance name (if any). Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the singleton instance for our application context reader. Initializes the current reader with respect to its environment. Gets the Azure role name. The extracted data. Gets the Azure role instance name. The extracted data. The reader is platform specific and applies to .NET applications only. Gets or sets the singleton instance for our application context reader. Gets the host system locale. The discovered locale. Gets the type of the device. The type for this device as a hard-coded string. Gets the device unique ID, or uses the fallback if none is available due to application configuration. The discovered device identifier. Gets the device OEM. The discovered OEM. Gets the device model. The discovered device model. Gets the network type. The discovered network type. Runs a single WMI query for a property. The table. The property. The default value of the property if WMI fails. The value if found, Unknown otherwise. The user context reader interface used while reading user related information in a platform specific way. Initializes the current reader with respect to its environment. Gets the Azure role name. The extracted data. Gets the Azure role instance name. The extracted data. Represents a role that is defined as part of a hosted service. Initializes a new instance of the class. The target object. The loaded assembly. Gets the name of the role as it is declared in the service definition file. Gets the target object instance. Type of the target. The activation arguments. The activated instance is one is required. Provides information about the configuration, endpoints, and status of running role instances. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets a value indicating whether the role instance is running in the Windows Azure environment. Gets the unique identifier of the deployment in which the role instance is running. Gets a RoleInstance object that represents the role instance in which the code is currently running. Gets the target object instance. Type of the target. The activation arguments. The activated instance is one is required. Represents an instance of a role. Initializes a new instance of the class. The target object. The loaded assembly. Gets the instance identifier (ID) of the role instance. Gets the Role object that is associated with the role instance. Gets the target object instance. Type of the target. The activation arguments. The activated instance is one is required. A runtime bound object for a given .NET type. The target type for our object. The target object. The assembly which is loaded reflectively. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the target. The loaded assembly. The activation arguments. Gets or sets the type of the target. Gets or sets the target object. Gets or sets the loaded assembly. Gets the target object instance. Type of the target. The activation arguments. The activated instance is one is required. Gets the property. The name. The arguments. The value for our property. Gets the property. The name. The parameter types. The arguments. The value for our property. Gets the property. The name. The binding flags. The parameter types. The arguments. The value for our property. Invocation helper for calling any member on our target object. The name. The binding flags. The arguments. The culture. The return value for our invocation. The wrapper for the Azure Service Runtime. Gets the role environment. The role environment object. ETW EventSource tracing class. Instance of the WindowsServerEventSource class. Keywords for the PlatformEventSource. Those keywords should match keywords in Core. Key word for user actionable events. Contains logic to load AzureServiceRuntime assembly and read context using reflection. Inherits MarshalByRefObject so that methods of this class can be executed remotely in separate AppDomain. Provides functionality to process metric values prior to aggregation. Process metric value. Metric definition. Metric value. Metric factory and controller. Sends metrics to Application Insights service. Pre-aggregates metrics to reduce bandwidth. Learn more Value of the property indicating 'app insights version' allowing to tell metric was built using metric manager. Reporting frequency. Telemetry client used to track resulting aggregated metrics. Telemetry config for this telemetry client. Metric aggregation snapshot task. Last time snapshot was initiated. A dictionary of all metrics instantiated via this manager. Initializes a new instance of the class. Telemetry client to use to output aggregated metric data. Telemetry configuration for the telemetry client. Gets a list of metric processors associated with this instance of . Creates metric. Name of the metric. Optional dimensions. Metric instance. Learn more Flushes the in-memory aggregation buffers. Not normally required - occurs automatically at intervals and on Dispose. Disposes the object. Calculates wait time until next snapshot of the aggregators. Wait time. Generates telemetry object based on the metric aggregator. Metric definition. Metric aggregator statistics calculated for a period of time. Metric telemetry object resulting from aggregation. Takes a snapshot of aggregators collected by this instance of the manager and schedules the next snapshot. Takes snapshot of all active metric aggregators and turns results into metric telemetry. Represents mechanism to calculate basic statistical parameters of a series of numeric values. Lock to make Track() method thread-safe. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets sample count. Gets sum of the samples. Gets sum of squares of the samples. Gets minimum sample value. Gets maximum sample value. Gets arithmetic average value in the population. Gets variance of the values in the population. Gets standard deviation of the values in the population. Adds a value to the time series. Metric value. Represents aggregator for a single time series of a given metric. Aggregator manager for the aggregator. Metric aggregator id to look for in the aggregator dictionary. Aggregator hash code. Initializes a new instance of the class. Aggregator manager handling this instance. Metric name. Metric dimensions. Gets metric name. Gets a set of metric dimensions and their values. Adds a value to the time series. Metric value. Returns the hash code for this object. A 32-bit signed integer hash code. Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. The object to compare with the current object. True if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. The object to compare with the current object. True if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. Generates id of the aggregator serving time series specified in the parameters. Metric name. Optional metric dimensions. Aggregator id that can be used to get aggregator. Forwards value to metric processors. Value tracked on time series. Builds a string representing file version of the assembly with added prefix in format prefix:major.minor-revision. Prefix to add to version. String representation of the version with prefix added. Runs a task after a certain delay and log any error. Represents an infinite time span. Gets or sets the delay before the task starts. Gets a value indicating whether value that indicates if a task has already started. Start the task. The task to run. Cancels the current task. Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources. Log exception thrown by outer code. Exception to log. Logs the information when there operation to track is null. Logs the information when there operation to stop does not match the current operation. Keywords for the PlatformEventSource. Key word for user actionable events. Keyword for errors that trace at Verbose level. Keyword for errors that trace at Verbose level. Keyword for errors that trace at Error level. The module subscribed to AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException to send exceptions to ApplicationInsights. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes the telemetry module. Disposing UnhandledExceptionTelemetryModule instance. The module subscribed to AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException to send exceptions statistics to ApplicationInsights. This object prevents double entry into the exception callback. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes the telemetry module. Telemetry Configuration used for creating TelemetryClient for sending exception statistics to Application Insights. Disposing TaskSchedulerOnUnobservedTaskException instance. This class doesn't have the finalize method as we expect it live for a duration of the process and be disposed by AI infrastructure. IDisposable implementation. The method has been called directly or indirectly by a user's code. The module subscribed to TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException to send exceptions to ApplicationInsights. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes the telemetry module. Telemetry Configuration used for creating TelemetryClient for sending exceptions to ApplicationInsights. Disposing TaskSchedulerOnUnobservedTaskException instance.