Fix #40
flavien's git/Projet_JAVA_P2P_STRI2A/pipeline/head This commit looks good Details
flavien's git/Projet_JAVA_P2P_STRI2A/pipeline/pr-master This commit looks good Details

Louis Royer 5 years ago
parent 275eb165b1
commit 1355ef14b1

@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
package clientP2P;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import exception.LocalException;
import exception.RemoteException;
import localException.SocketClosed;
import localException.ProtocolError;
import localException.InternalError;
import localException.TransmissionError;
import localException.SizeError;
import localException.VersionError;
import remoteException.EmptyDirectory;
import remoteException.EmptyFile;
import remoteException.VersionRemoteError;
import remoteException.ProtocolRemoteError;
import remoteException.NotFound;
import remoteException.InternalRemoteError;
import remoteException.NotATracker;
import protocolP2P.HashAlgorithm;
import protocolP2P.HashResponse;
import protocolP2P.HashRequest;
import protocolP2P.Payload;
import protocolP2P.FilePart;
import protocolP2P.LoadRequest;
import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket;
import clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart;
import tools.HostItem;
import tools.Logger;
import tools.LogLevel;
import tools.ServeErrors;
/** Class to download file
* @author Louis Royer
* @author Flavien Haas
* @author JS Auge
* @version 1.0
public abstract class ClientDownload extends ServeErrors implements Runnable {
protected List<HostItem> hostList;
protected String filename;
protected byte[] hash512;
protected List<ClientDownloadPart> sockList = new ArrayList<ClientDownloadPart>();
protected List<Long> offsetsToAsk = new ArrayList<Long>();
protected List<Long> offsetsPending = new ArrayList<Long>();
protected boolean stop;
protected long size;
protected static final long MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE = 4096;
protected String partsSubdir;
protected String dirStorage;
protected boolean success = false;
protected Logger logger;
/** Constructor with parameters: filename, list of hosts, parts subdirectory and dirStorage
* @param filename name of file to download
* @param hostList list of servers
* @param partsSubdir directory to store .part files
* @param dirStorage directory to write assembled file
* @param logger Logger
public ClientDownload(String filename, List<HostItem> hostList, String partsSubdir, String dirStorage, Logger logger) {
this.partsSubdir = partsSubdir;
this.dirStorage = dirStorage;
this.filename = filename;
this.hostList = hostList;
this.logger = logger;
this.stop = false;
/** Success getter.
* @return true when file have successfully been reassembled.
public boolean getSuccess() {
return success;
/** Getter for hash512sum
* @return hash512sum
public byte[] getHashSum512() {
return hash512;
/** Stop threads */
protected void stopTasks() {
for(ClientDownloadPart c : sockList) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
/** Asks thread to stop
public void setStop() {
stop = true;
/** Assign tasks randomly to threads.
* @throws InternalError
protected void assignTasks() throws InternalError {
Random rand = new Random();
for(long offset : offsetsToAsk) {
try {
System.err.println("Assigned task "+ offset);
writeLog("Assigned task "+ offset, LogLevel.Info);
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
/** Create a clientDownloadPart
* @param filename name of the file to download
* @param hostItem Hostitem of the server
protected abstract ClientDownloadPart createDownloadPart(String filename, HostItem hostItem);
/** Starts threads for each server in hostList.
protected void initThreads() {
for(HostItem hostItem: hostList) {
sockList.add(createDownloadPart(filename, hostItem));
for(ClientDownloadPart c: sockList) {
Thread t = new Thread(c);
writeLog("Threads initialized", LogLevel.Info);
/** Remove tasks from failed threads. Update done status.
* @throws InternalError
protected void checkTasksStatus() throws InternalError {
try {
synchronized(this) {
List<ClientDownloadPart> sockListCpy = new ArrayList<>(sockList);
for(ClientDownloadPart c: sockListCpy) {
if (c.hasFailed() == true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new InternalError();
writeLog("Task check status: " + offsetsToAsk.size() + " to asks, " + offsetsPending.size() + " pending", LogLevel.Info);
if (offsetsToAsk.isEmpty() && offsetsPending.isEmpty()) {
stop = true;
if (sockList.size() == 0) {
logger.writeUDP("No thread working", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new InternalError();
/** Get hashsum from server.
* @param hostItem server to ask hash
* @return hash512sum
* @throws InternalError
protected byte[] getHashSum512(HostItem hostItem) throws InternalError {
byte[] hash;
HashAlgorithm[] hashesAlgo = new HashAlgorithm[1];
hashesAlgo[0] = HashAlgorithm.SHA512;
ProtocolP2PPacket<?> d = createProtocolP2PPacket(new HashRequest(filename, hashesAlgo));
try {
try {
Payload pHash = d.receiveResponse().getPayload();
assert pHash instanceof HashResponse : "This payload must be instance of HashResponse";
if (!(pHash instanceof HashResponse)) {
throw new InternalError();
} else {
hash = ((HashResponse)pHash).getHash(HashAlgorithm.SHA512);
} catch (EmptyDirectory e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
hash = new byte[0];
} catch (NotFound e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
hash = new byte[0];
} catch (LocalException e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
return hash;
} catch (IOException e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (SocketClosed e){
System.err.println("getHashSum512 : SocketClosed");
writeLog("getHashSum512 : SocketClosed", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
/** Removes servers not owning the correct file to download from list.
* This is done by comparing hash512sum.
* @throws InternalError
protected void purgeList() throws InternalError {
List<HostItem> blackList = new ArrayList<HostItem>();
boolean first = false;
byte[] hashsum;
for(HostItem host: hostList) {
// already have hashsum from 1st server
if (!first) {
first = true;
// ask hashsum
hashsum = getHashSum512(host);
if (!Arrays.equals(hash512, hashsum)) {
// purge list
for(HostItem host: blackList) {
writeLog("Host list purge: done", LogLevel.Info);
/** Reassemble file from file parts.
* Set success to true if file is reassembled successfully.
protected void reassembleFile() {
boolean firstPart = true;
boolean abort = false;
long nextOffset = 0;
do {
if (firstPart) {
writeLog("Reassembling: First part", LogLevel.Info);
try {
// create file
Files.copy(new File(partsSubdir + filename + "_" + nextOffset + ".part").toPath(), new File(dirStorage + filename).toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
nextOffset = (new File(dirStorage + filename)).length();
firstPart = false;
} catch (IOException e) {
writeLog("Reassembling: aborting on first part", LogLevel.Warning);
abort = true;
} else if (nextOffset >= size) {
success = true;
writeLog("Reassembling: success", LogLevel.Info);
} else {
// append to file
try {
Files.write(new File(dirStorage + filename).toPath(), Files.readAllBytes(new File(partsSubdir + filename + "_" + nextOffset + ".part").toPath()), StandardOpenOption.APPEND);
nextOffset = (new File(dirStorage + filename)).length();
} catch (IOException e) {
abort = true;
writeLog("Aborting: bad number " + nextOffset, LogLevel.Error);
} while((!success) && (!abort));
/** Set size of file to download. Also download first file part.
* @throws InternalError
protected void setSize() throws InternalError {
ProtocolP2PPacket<?> d = createProtocolP2PPacket(new LoadRequest(filename, 0, MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE));
try {
try {
Payload p = d.receiveResponse().getPayload();
assert p instanceof FilePart : "This payload must be instance of FilePart";
if (!(p instanceof FilePart)) {
System.err.println("Error: cannot get size.");
writeLog("cannot get size.", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} else {
FilePart fp = (FilePart)p;
if (!fp.getFilename().equals(filename)) {
System.err.println("Error: wrong file received: `" + fp.getFilename() + "`");
writeLog("wrong file received: `" + fp.getFilename() + "`", LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
if (fp.getOffset() == 0) {
try {
Files.write(new File(partsSubdir + filename + "_0.part").toPath(), fp.getPartialContent());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error: cannot write file (" + partsSubdir + filename + "_0.part)");
writeLog("cannot write file (" + partsSubdir + filename + "_0.part)", LogLevel.Error);
size = fp.getTotalSize();
if (fp.getPartialContent().length == size) {
stop = true;
} else {
System.err.println("Error: wrong file part received.");
writeLog("wrong file part received.", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (EmptyDirectory e) {
System.err.println("Error: empty directory.");
writeLog("empty directory.", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (LocalException e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (IOException e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (SocketClosed e){
System.err.println("setSize : SocketClosed");
writeLog("setSize : SocketClosed", LogLevel.Error);
/** Close HostItem socket
* @param hostItem HostItem
protected abstract void closeHostItemSocket(HostItem hostItem);
/** Runnable implementation
public void run() {
try {
if (stop) {
writeLog("File is smaller than part max size.", LogLevel.Info);
} else {
writeLog("File is bigger than part max size.", LogLevel.Info);
while(!stop) {
writeLog("Reassembling file parts.", LogLevel.Info);
} catch(InternalError e) {
writeLog("Error while downloading file. Aborting.", LogLevel.Error);
} finally {
/** Initialize infos about file to download (size, hash512sum, partslist to dl).
* Also download first partfile (to get size).
* @throws InternalError
protected void init() throws InternalError {
// get size
// get hashsum from 1st server in list
hash512 = getHashSum512(hostList.get(0));
if (hash512.length == 0) {
writeLog("no hash512sum support.", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
// Add tasks
if (!stop) {
for(long i=MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE; i<size;i+=MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE) {
writeLog("Adding tasks: done", LogLevel.Info);
/** Getter for HostItem socket
* @param hostItem HostItem
protected abstract Object getHostItemSocket(HostItem hostItem);

@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
package clientP2P;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket;
import protocolP2P.Payload;
import protocolP2P.LoadRequest;
import protocolP2P.FilePart;
import localException.InternalError;
import localException.ProtocolError;
import localException.TransmissionError;
import localException.VersionError;
import localException.SizeError;
import localException.SocketClosed;
import remoteException.EmptyDirectory;
import remoteException.EmptyFile;
import remoteException.InternalRemoteError;
import remoteException.VersionRemoteError;
import remoteException.ProtocolRemoteError;
import remoteException.NotFound;
import remoteException.NotATracker;
import exception.LocalException;
import exception.RemoteException;
import tools.Logger;
import tools.LogLevel;
import tools.ServeErrors;
/** Class to download file parts.
* @author Louis Royer
* @author Flavien Haas
* @author JS Auge
* @version 1.0
public abstract class ClientDownloadPart extends ServeErrors implements Runnable {
protected List<Long> toDoTasks;
protected List<Long> pendingTasks;
protected List<Long> tasksDone;
protected volatile boolean tasksListsLock;
protected volatile boolean stop;
protected volatile boolean failed;
protected String filename;
protected volatile boolean noTask;
protected String partsSubdir;
protected static final long MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE = 4096;
protected ClientDownload manager;
protected Logger logger;
/** Constructor with filename, socket, and part subdir
* @param filename name of file to download
* @param socket socket to use
* @param partsSubdir directory to store .part files
* @param logger Logger
public ClientDownloadPart(ClientDownload manager, String filename, String partsSubdir, Logger logger) {
this.manager = manager;
this.partsSubdir = partsSubdir;
this.filename = filename;
this.logger = logger;
stop = false;
failed = false;
pendingTasks = new ArrayList<>();
toDoTasks = new ArrayList<>();
tasksDone = new ArrayList<>();
noTask = true;
tasksListsLock = false;
/** True if thread has failed to get a file.
* @return true if thread has failed to get a file
public boolean hasFailed() {
return failed;
/** Asks to stop thread.
* @throws InterruptedException
public synchronized void setStop() throws InterruptedException {
stop = true;
/** Runnable implementation */
public void run() {
while(!stop) {
try {
synchronized(manager) {
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
try {
synchronized(manager) {
} catch (InterruptedException e2) {
writeLog("Closing socket", LogLevel.Info);
} catch(IOException e){
writeLog("can't close socket", LogLevel.Error);
/** Close the socket
protected abstract void closeSocket() throws IOException;
/** Get list of offsets that have not be downloaded if failed, else
* empty list.
* @return list of offsets
public List<Long> getFailed() {
List<Long> ret = new ArrayList<>();
if (failed) {
return ret;
/** Get list of downloaded file parts offset, then clear this list.
* @return list of offsets
* @throws InterruptedException
public List<Long> getDone() throws InterruptedException {
if (tasksDone.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList<>();
} else {
synchronized (this) {
while(tasksListsLock) {
tasksListsLock = true;
List<Long> ret = new ArrayList<>(tasksDone);
tasksListsLock = false;
return ret;
/** Adds offset of files parts to download.
* @param task offset to download
* @throws InterruptedException
public synchronized void assignTask(Long task) throws InterruptedException {
synchronized(this) {
while(tasksListsLock) {
tasksListsLock = true;
noTask = false;
tasksListsLock = false;
/** Send one request and wait for one response. Blocks when no task.
* @throws InterruptedException
public synchronized void doTasks() throws InterruptedException {
while(noTask && !stop) {
if (!stop) {
try {
Long offset = toDoTasks.get(0);
ProtocolP2PPacket<?> p = reqPart(offset);
if (p == null) {
stop = true;
failed = downloadPart(p);
if (failed) {
System.err.println("Error: DownloadPart failed.");
writeLog("DownloadPart failed.", LogLevel.Error);
stop = true;
} else if (toDoTasks.isEmpty()) {
noTask = true;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
noTask = true;
/** Send a request for a specific offset.
* @param offset Offset of the file part to download
* @return ProtocolP2PPacketTCP used to send request
protected ProtocolP2PPacket<?> reqPart(Long offset) {
writeLog("New request: " + offset, LogLevel.Info);
// maintain tracking of tasks
if (toDoTasks.contains(offset)) {
try {
synchronized (this) {
while(tasksListsLock) {
tasksListsLock = true;
tasksListsLock = false;
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
writeLog("reqPart interruptedException", LogLevel.Error);
return null;
} else {
writeLog("reqPart (offset " + offset + " not in toDoTasks)", LogLevel.Error);
return null;
// send request
try {
ProtocolP2PPacket<?> d = createProtocolP2PPacket(new LoadRequest(filename, offset.longValue(), MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE));
return d;
} catch (InternalError e) {
writeLog("reqPart internalError", LogLevel.Error);
return null;
} catch (IOException e) {
writeLog("reqPart ioexception", LogLevel.Error);
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
return null;
} catch (SocketClosed e){
writeLog("reqPart SocketClosed", LogLevel.Error);
return null;
/** Get the socket */
protected abstract Object getSocket();
/** Download file part associated to the request send (d).
* @param d request packet
* @return true on failure, else false
public < T extends ProtocolP2PPacket<?> > boolean downloadPart(T d) {
if (d == null) {
writeLog("downloadPart -> d is null.", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
try {
Payload p = d.receiveResponse().getPayload();
assert p instanceof FilePart : "This payload must be instance of FilePart";
if (!(p instanceof FilePart)) {
writeLog("cannot get size.", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} else {
FilePart fp = (FilePart)p;
if (!fp.getFilename().equals(filename)) {
writeLog("wrong file received: `" + fp.getFilename() + "`", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
Long offset = Long.valueOf(fp.getOffset());
if (pendingTasks.contains(offset)) {
try {
Files.write(new File(partsSubdir + filename + "_" + offset + ".part").toPath(), fp.getPartialContent());
} catch (IOException e) {
writeLog("cannot write file (" + partsSubdir + filename + "_" + offset + ".part)", LogLevel.Error);
} else {
writeLog("wrong file part received.", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
try {
synchronized(this) {
while(tasksListsLock) {
tasksListsLock = true;
tasksListsLock = false;
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
writeLog("DownloadPart Interrupted exception", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (LocalException e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart ioexception");
writeLog("downloadPart ioexception", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
return false;

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import;
import; import;
import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Files;
import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketTCP; import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketTCP;
import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket;
import protocolP2P.Payload; import protocolP2P.Payload;
import protocolP2P.LoadRequest; import protocolP2P.LoadRequest;
import protocolP2P.FilePart; import protocolP2P.FilePart;
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ import remoteException.NotFound;
import remoteException.NotATracker; import remoteException.NotATracker;
import tools.Logger; import tools.Logger;
import tools.LogLevel; import tools.LogLevel;
import clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart;
/** Class to download file parts on tcp. /** Class to download file parts on tcp.
* @author Louis Royer * @author Louis Royer
@ -31,332 +33,55 @@ import tools.LogLevel;
* @author JS Auge * @author JS Auge
* @version 1.0 * @version 1.0
*/ */
public class ClientDownloadPartTCP implements Runnable { public class ClientDownloadPartTCP extends ClientDownloadPart {
private List<Long> toDoTasks;
private List<Long> pendingTasks;
private List<Long> tasksDone;
private volatile boolean tasksListsLock;
private volatile boolean stop;
private volatile boolean failed;
private String filename;
private Socket socket; private Socket socket;
private volatile boolean noTask;
private String partsSubdir;
private static final long MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE = 4096;
private ClientDownloadTCP manager;
private Logger logger;
/** Constructor with filename, socket, and part subdir /** Constructor with filename, socket, and part subdir
* @param filename name of file to download * @param filename name of file to download
* @param socket socket to use * @param socket socket to use
* @param partsSubdir directory to store .part files * @param partsSubdir directory to store .part files
* @param logger Logger
*/ */
public ClientDownloadPartTCP(ClientDownloadTCP manager, String filename, Socket socket, String partsSubdir, Logger logger) { public ClientDownloadPartTCP(ClientDownload manager, String filename, Socket socket, String partsSubdir, Logger logger) {
this.manager = manager; super(manager, filename, partsSubdir, logger);
this.partsSubdir = partsSubdir;
this.filename = filename;
this.socket = socket; this.socket = socket;
this.logger = logger;
stop = false;
failed = false;
pendingTasks = new ArrayList<>();
toDoTasks = new ArrayList<>();
tasksDone = new ArrayList<>();
noTask = true;
tasksListsLock = false;
} }
/** True if thread has failed to get a file.
* @return true if thread has failed to get a file
public boolean hasFailed() {
return failed;
/** Asks to stop thread.
* @throws InterruptedException
public synchronized void setStop() throws InterruptedException {
stop = true;
/** Runnable implementation */ /** Get the socket */
public void run() { protected Object getSocket() {
while(!stop) { return (Object) socket;
try {
synchronized(manager) {
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
try {
synchronized(manager) {
} catch (InterruptedException e2) {
System.err.println("Closing socket");
logger.writeTCP("Closing socket", LogLevel.Info);
} catch(IOException e){
System.err.println("can't close socket");
logger.writeTCP("can't close socket", LogLevel.Error);
} }
/** Get list of offsets that have not be downloaded if failed, else /** Close the socket
* empty list.
* @return list of offsets
*/ */
public List<Long> getFailed() { protected void closeSocket() throws IOException {
List<Long> ret = new ArrayList<>(); socket.close();
if (failed) {
return ret;
} }
/** Get list of downloaded file parts offset, then clear this list. /** Implementation of writeLog
* @return list of offsets * @param text Text to log
* @throws InterruptedException * @param logLevel level of logging
*/ */
public List<Long> getDone() throws InterruptedException { protected void writeLog(String text, LogLevel logLevel) {
if (tasksDone.size() == 0) { logger.writeTCP(text, logLevel);
return new ArrayList<>();
} else {
synchronized (this) {
while(tasksListsLock) {
tasksListsLock = true;
List<Long> ret = new ArrayList<>(tasksDone);
tasksListsLock = false;
return ret;
} }
/** Adds offset of files parts to download. /** Implementation of writeLog
* @param task offset to download * @param e exception to log
* @throws InterruptedException * @param logLevel level of logging
*/ */
public synchronized void assignTask(Long task) throws InterruptedException { protected void writeLog(Exception e, LogLevel logLevel) {
synchronized(this) { logger.writeTCP(e, logLevel);
while(tasksListsLock) {
tasksListsLock = true;
noTask = false;
tasksListsLock = false;
} }
/** Send one request and wait for one response. Blocks when no task.
* @throws InterruptedException
public synchronized void doTasks() throws InterruptedException {
while(noTask && !stop) {
if (!stop) {
try {
Long offset = toDoTasks.get(0);
ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<LoadRequest> p = reqPart(offset);
if (p == null) {
stop = true;
failed = downloadPart(p); /** Create packets
if (failed) { * @param payload Payload
System.err.println("Error: DownloadPart failed.");
logger.writeTCP("DownloadPart failed.", LogLevel.Error);
stop = true;
} else if (toDoTasks.isEmpty()) {
noTask = true;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
noTask = true;
/** Send a request for a specific offset.
* @param offset Offset of the file part to download
* @return ProtocolP2PPacketTCP used to send request
private ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<LoadRequest> reqPart(Long offset) {
System.err.println("New request: " + offset);
logger.writeTCP("New request: " + offset, LogLevel.Info);
// maintain tracking of tasks
if (toDoTasks.contains(offset)) {
try {
synchronized (this) {
while(tasksListsLock) {
tasksListsLock = true;
tasksListsLock = false;
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
System.err.println("Error: reqPart interruptedException");
logger.writeTCP("reqPart interruptedException", LogLevel.Error);
return null;
} else {
System.err.println("Error: reqPart (offset " + offset + " not in toDoTasks)");
logger.writeTCP("reqPart (offset " + offset + " not in toDoTasks)", LogLevel.Error);
return null;
// send request
try {
ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<LoadRequest> d = new ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<>(new LoadRequest(filename, offset.longValue(), MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE));
return d;
} catch (InternalError e) {
System.err.println("Error: reqPart internalError");
logger.writeTCP("reqPart internalError", LogLevel.Error);
return null;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error: reqPart ioexception");
logger.writeTCP("reqPart ioexception", LogLevel.Error);
return null;
} catch (SocketClosed e){
System.err.println("Error: reqPart SocketClosed");
logger.writeTCP("reqPart SocketClosed", LogLevel.Error);
return null;
/** Download file part associated to the request send (d).
* @param d request packet
* @return true on failure, else false
*/ */
public boolean downloadPart(ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<LoadRequest> d) { protected < T extends Payload > ProtocolP2PPacket<T> createProtocolP2PPacket(T payload) {
if (d == null) { return (ProtocolP2PPacket<T>)new ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<T>(payload);
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart -> d is null.");
logger.writeTCP("downloadPart -> d is null.", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
try {
Payload p = d.receiveResponse().getPayload();
assert p instanceof FilePart : "This payload must be instance of FilePart";
if (!(p instanceof FilePart)) {
System.err.println("Error: cannot get size.");
logger.writeTCP("cannot get size.", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} else {
FilePart fp = (FilePart)p;
if (!fp.getFilename().equals(filename)) {
System.err.println("Error: wrong file received: `" + fp.getFilename() + "`");
logger.writeTCP("wrong file received: `" + fp.getFilename() + "`", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
Long offset = Long.valueOf(fp.getOffset());
if (pendingTasks.contains(offset)) {
try {
Files.write(new File(partsSubdir + filename + "_" + offset + ".part").toPath(), fp.getPartialContent());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error: cannot write file (" + partsSubdir + filename + "_" + offset + ".part)");
logger.writeTCP("cannot write file (" + partsSubdir + filename + "_" + offset + ".part)", LogLevel.Error);
} else {
System.err.println("Error: wrong file part received.");
logger.writeTCP("wrong file part received.", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
try {
synchronized(this) {
while(tasksListsLock) {
tasksListsLock = true;
tasksListsLock = false;
} }
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
System.err.println("Error: DownloadPart Interrupted exception");
logger.writeTCP("DownloadPart Interrupted exception", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (EmptyDirectory e) {
System.err.println("Error: empty directory.");
logger.writeTCP("empty directory.", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (EmptyFile e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart emptyFile");
logger.writeTCP("downloadPart emptyFile", LogLevel.Error);
// TODO: use more specific errors
return true;
} catch (ProtocolError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart protocolError");
logger.writeTCP("downloadPart protocolError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (InternalRemoteError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart internalRemoteError");
logger.writeTCP("downloadPart internalRemoteError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (VersionRemoteError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart versionRemoteError");
logger.writeTCP("downloadPart versionRemoteError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (ProtocolRemoteError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart protocolRemoteError");
logger.writeTCP("downloadPart protocolRemoteError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (TransmissionError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart transmissionError");
logger.writeTCP("downloadPart transmissionError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (VersionError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart versionError");
logger.writeTCP("downloadPart versionError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (SizeError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart sizeError");
logger.writeTCP("downloadPart sizeError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (NotFound e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart notFound");
logger.writeTCP("downloadPart notFound", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart ioexception");
logger.writeTCP("downloadPart ioexception", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (InternalError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart internalError");
logger.writeTCP("downloadPart internalError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (SocketClosed e){
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart SocketClosed");
logger.writeTCP("downloadPart SocketClosed", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (NotATracker e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart notATracker");
logger.writeTCP("downloadPart notATracker", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
return false;
} }

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ArrayList;
import; import;
import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketUDP; import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketUDP;
import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket;
import protocolP2P.Payload; import protocolP2P.Payload;
import protocolP2P.LoadRequest; import protocolP2P.LoadRequest;
import protocolP2P.FilePart; import protocolP2P.FilePart;
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ import;
import; import;
import tools.Logger; import tools.Logger;
import tools.LogLevel; import tools.LogLevel;
import clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart;
/** Class to download file parts on udp. /** Class to download file parts on udp.
* @author Louis Royer * @author Louis Royer
@ -30,318 +32,54 @@ import tools.LogLevel;
* @author JS Auge * @author JS Auge
* @version 1.0 * @version 1.0
*/ */
public class ClientDownloadPartUDP implements Runnable { public class ClientDownloadPartUDP extends ClientDownloadPart {
private List<Long> toDoTasks;
private List<Long> pendingTasks;
private List<Long> tasksDone;
private volatile boolean tasksListsLock;
private volatile boolean stop;
private volatile boolean failed;
private String filename;
private DatagramSocket socket; private DatagramSocket socket;
private volatile boolean noTask;
private String partsSubdir;
private static final long MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE = 4096;
private ClientDownloadUDP manager;
private Logger logger;
/** Constructor with filename, socket, and part subdir /** Constructor with filename, socket, and part subdir
* @param filename name of file to download * @param filename name of file to download
* @param socket socket to use * @param socket socket to use
* @param partsSubdir directory to store .part files * @param partsSubdir directory to store .part files
* @param logger Logger
*/ */
public ClientDownloadPartUDP(ClientDownloadUDP manager, String filename, DatagramSocket socket, String partsSubdir, Logger logger) { public ClientDownloadPartUDP(ClientDownload manager, String filename, DatagramSocket socket, String partsSubdir, Logger logger) {
this.manager = manager; super(manager, filename, partsSubdir, logger);
this.partsSubdir = partsSubdir;
this.filename = filename;
this.socket = socket; this.socket = socket;
this.logger = logger;
stop = false;
failed = false;
pendingTasks = new ArrayList<>();
toDoTasks = new ArrayList<>();
tasksDone = new ArrayList<>();
noTask = true;
tasksListsLock = false;
} }
/** True if thread has failed to get a file. /** Get the socket */
* @return true if thread has failed to get a file protected Object getSocket() {
*/ return (Object) socket;
public boolean hasFailed() {
return failed;
} }
/** Asks to stop thread. /** Close the socket
* @throws InterruptedException
*/ */
public synchronized void setStop() throws InterruptedException { protected void closeSocket() throws IOException {
stop = true;
/** Runnable implementation */
public void run() {
while(!stop) {
try {
synchronized(manager) {
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
try {
synchronized(manager) {
} catch (InterruptedException e2) {
System.err.println("Closing socket");
logger.writeUDP("Closing socket", LogLevel.Info);
socket.close(); socket.close();
} }
/** Get list of offsets that have not be downloaded if failed, else
* empty list.
* @return list of offsets
public List<Long> getFailed() {
List<Long> ret = new ArrayList<>();
if (failed) {
return ret;
/** Get list of downloaded file parts offset, then clear this list. /** Implementation of writeLog
* @return list of offsets * @param text Text to log
* @throws InterruptedException * @param logLevel level of logging
*/ */
public List<Long> getDone() throws InterruptedException { protected void writeLog(String text, LogLevel logLevel) {
if (tasksDone.size() == 0) { logger.writeUDP(text, logLevel);
return new ArrayList<>();
} else {
synchronized (this) {
while(tasksListsLock) {
tasksListsLock = true;
List<Long> ret = new ArrayList<>(tasksDone);
tasksListsLock = false;
return ret;
} }
/** Adds offset of files parts to download. /** Implementation of writeLog
* @param task offset to download * @param e exception to log
* @throws InterruptedException * @param logLevel level of logging
*/ */
public synchronized void assignTask(Long task) throws InterruptedException { protected void writeLog(Exception e, LogLevel logLevel) {
synchronized(this) { logger.writeUDP(e, logLevel);
while(tasksListsLock) {
tasksListsLock = true;
noTask = false;
tasksListsLock = false;
} }
/** Send one request and wait for one response. Blocks when no task. /** Create packets
* @throws InterruptedException * @param payload Payload
*/ */
public synchronized void doTasks() throws InterruptedException { protected < T extends Payload > ProtocolP2PPacket<T> createProtocolP2PPacket(T payload) {
while(noTask && !stop) { return (ProtocolP2PPacket<T>)new ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<T>(payload);
if (!stop) {
try {
Long offset = toDoTasks.get(0);
ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<LoadRequest> p = reqPart(offset);
if (p == null) {
stop = true;
failed = downloadPart(p);
if (failed) {
System.err.println("Error: DownloadPart failed.");
stop = true;
} else if (toDoTasks.isEmpty()) {
noTask = true;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
noTask = true;
} }
/** Send a request for a specific offset.
* @param offset Offset of the file part to download
* @return ProtocolP2PPacketTCP used to send request
private ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<LoadRequest> reqPart(Long offset) {
System.err.println("New request: "+ offset);
logger.writeUDP("New request: "+ offset, LogLevel.Info);
// maintain tracking of tasks
if (toDoTasks.contains(offset)) {
try {
synchronized (this) {
while(tasksListsLock) {
tasksListsLock = true;
tasksListsLock = false;
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
System.err.println("Error: reqPart interruptedException");
logger.writeUDP("reqPart interruptedException", LogLevel.Error);
return null;
} else {
System.err.println("Error: reqPart (offset " + offset + " not in toDoTasks)");
logger.writeUDP("reqPart (offset " + offset + " not in toDoTasks)", LogLevel.Error);
return null;
// send request
try {
ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<LoadRequest> d = new ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<>(new LoadRequest(filename, offset.longValue(), MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE));
return d;
} catch (InternalError e) {
System.err.println("Error: reqPart internalError");
logger.writeUDP("reqPart internalError", LogLevel.Error);
return null;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error: reqPart ioexception");
logger.writeUDP("reqPart ioexception", LogLevel.Error);
return null;
/** Download file part associated to the request send (d).
* @param d request packet
* @return true on failure, else false
public boolean downloadPart(ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<LoadRequest> d) {
if (d == null) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart -> d is null.");
logger.writeUDP("downloadPart -> d is null.", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
try {
Payload p = d.receiveResponse().getPayload();
assert p instanceof FilePart : "This payload must be instance of FilePart";
if (!(p instanceof FilePart)) {
System.err.println("Error: cannot get size.");
logger.writeUDP("cannot get size.", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} else {
FilePart fp = (FilePart)p;
if (!fp.getFilename().equals(filename)) {
System.err.println("Error: wrong file received: `" + fp.getFilename() + "`");
logger.writeUDP("wrong file received: `" + fp.getFilename() + "`", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
Long offset = Long.valueOf(fp.getOffset());
if (pendingTasks.contains(offset)) {
try {
Files.write(new File(partsSubdir + filename + "_" + offset + ".part").toPath(), fp.getPartialContent());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error: cannot write file (" + partsSubdir + filename + "_" + offset + ".part)");
logger.writeUDP("cannot write file (" + partsSubdir + filename + "_" + offset + ".part)", LogLevel.Error);
} else {
System.err.println("Error: wrong file part received.");
logger.writeUDP("wrong file part received.", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
try {
synchronized(this) {
while(tasksListsLock) {
tasksListsLock = true;
tasksListsLock = false;
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
System.err.println("Error: DownloadPart Interrupted exception");
logger.writeUDP("DownloadPart Interrupted exception", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (EmptyDirectory e) {
System.err.println("Error: empty directory.");
logger.writeUDP("empty directory.", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (EmptyFile e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart emptyFile");
logger.writeUDP("downloadPart emptyFile", LogLevel.Error);
// TODO: use more specific errors
return true;
} catch (ProtocolError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart protocolError");
logger.writeUDP("downloadPart protocolError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (InternalRemoteError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart internalRemoteError");
logger.writeUDP("downloadPart internalRemoteError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (VersionRemoteError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart versionRemoteError");
logger.writeUDP("downloadPart versionRemoteError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (ProtocolRemoteError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart protocolRemoteError");
logger.writeUDP("downloadPart protocolRemoteError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (TransmissionError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart transmissionError");
logger.writeUDP("downloadPart transmissionError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (VersionError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart versionError");
logger.writeUDP("downloadPart versionError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (SizeError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart sizeError");
logger.writeUDP("downloadPart sizeError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (NotFound e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart notFound");
logger.writeUDP("downloadPart notFound", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart ioexception");
logger.writeUDP("downloadPart ioexception", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (InternalError e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart internalError");
logger.writeUDP("downloadPart internalError", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
} catch (NotATracker e) {
System.err.println("Error: downloadPart notATracker");
logger.writeUDP("downloadPart notATracker", LogLevel.Error);
return true;
return false;
} }

@ -26,10 +26,12 @@ import protocolP2P.HashAlgorithm;
import protocolP2P.HashResponse; import protocolP2P.HashResponse;
import protocolP2P.HashRequest; import protocolP2P.HashRequest;
import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketTCP; import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketTCP;
import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket;
import protocolP2P.Payload; import protocolP2P.Payload;
import protocolP2P.FilePart; import protocolP2P.FilePart;
import protocolP2P.LoadRequest; import protocolP2P.LoadRequest;
import clientP2P.ClientDownloadPartTCP; import clientP2P.ClientDownloadPartTCP;
import clientP2P.ClientDownload;
import tools.HostItem; import tools.HostItem;
import tools.Logger; import tools.Logger;
import tools.LogLevel; import tools.LogLevel;
@ -40,407 +42,61 @@ import tools.LogLevel;
* @author JS Auge * @author JS Auge
* @version 1.0 * @version 1.0
*/ */
public class ClientDownloadTCP implements Runnable { public class ClientDownloadTCP extends ClientDownload {
private List<HostItem> hostList;
private String filename;
private byte[] hash512;
private List<ClientDownloadPartTCP> sockList = new ArrayList<ClientDownloadPartTCP>();
private List<Long> offsetsToAsk = new ArrayList<Long>();
private List<Long> offsetsPending = new ArrayList<Long>();
private boolean stop;
private long size;
private static final long MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE = 4096;
private String partsSubdir;
private String dirStorage;
private boolean success = false;
private Logger logger;
/** Constructor with parameters: filename, list of hosts, parts subdirectory and dirStorage /** Constructor with parameters: filename, list of hosts, parts subdirectory and dirStorage
* @param filename name of file to download * @param filename name of file to download
* @param hostList list of servers * @param hostList list of servers
* @param partsSubdir directory to store .part files * @param partsSubdir directory to store .part files
* @param dirStorage directory to write assembled file * @param dirStorage directory to write assembled file
* @param logger Logger
*/ */
public ClientDownloadTCP(String filename, List<HostItem> hostList, String partsSubdir, String dirStorage, Logger logger) { public ClientDownloadTCP(String filename, List<HostItem> hostList, String partsSubdir, String dirStorage, Logger logger) {
this.partsSubdir = partsSubdir; super(filename, hostList, partsSubdir, dirStorage, logger);
this.dirStorage = dirStorage;
this.filename = filename;
this.hostList = hostList;
this.logger = logger;
this.stop = false;
/** Asks thread to stop
public void setStop() {
stop = true;
/** Runnable implementation
public void run() {
try {
if (stop) {
System.err.println("File is smaller than part max size.");
logger.writeTCP("File is smaller than part max size.", LogLevel.Info);
} else {
System.err.println("File is bigger than part max size.");
logger.writeTCP("File is bigger than part max size.", LogLevel.Info);
while(!stop) {
System.err.println("Reassembling file parts.");
logger.writeTCP("Reassembling file parts.", LogLevel.Info);
} catch(InternalError e) {
System.err.println("Error while downloading file. Aborting.");
logger.writeTCP("Error while downloading file. Aborting.", LogLevel.Error);
} finally {
/** Starts threads for each server in hostList.
private void initThreads() {
for(HostItem hostItem: hostList) {
sockList.add(new ClientDownloadPartTCP(this, filename, hostItem.getTCPSocket(), partsSubdir, logger));
for(ClientDownloadPartTCP c: sockList) {
Thread t = new Thread(c);
System.err.println("Threads initialized");
logger.writeTCP("Threads initialized", LogLevel.Info);
/** Remove tasks from failed threads. Update done status.
* @throws InternalError
private void checkTasksStatus() throws InternalError {
try {
synchronized(this) {
List<ClientDownloadPartTCP> sockListCpy = new ArrayList<>(sockList);
for(ClientDownloadPartTCP c: sockListCpy) {
if (c.hasFailed() == true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new InternalError();
System.err.println("Task check status: " + offsetsToAsk.size() + " to asks, " + offsetsPending.size() + " pending");
logger.writeTCP("Task check status: " + offsetsToAsk.size() + " to asks, " + offsetsPending.size() + " pending", LogLevel.Info);
if (offsetsToAsk.isEmpty() && offsetsPending.isEmpty()) {
stop = true;
if (sockList.size() == 0) {
System.err.println("No thread working");
logger.writeTCP("No thread working", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
/** Assign tasks randomly to threads.
* @throws InternalError
private void assignTasks() throws InternalError {
Random rand = new Random();
for(long offset : offsetsToAsk) {
try {
System.err.println("Assigned task "+ offset);
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
/** Stop threads */
private void stopTasks() {
for(ClientDownloadPartTCP c : sockList) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
} }
/** Get hashsum from server. /** Create a clientDownloadPart
* @param hostItem server to ask hash * @param filename name of the file to download
* @return hash512sum * @param hostItem Hostitem of the server
* @throws InternalError
*/ */
private byte[] getHashSum512(HostItem hostItem) throws InternalError { protected ClientDownloadPart createDownloadPart(String filename, HostItem hostItem) {
byte[] hash; return (ClientDownloadPart)new ClientDownloadPartTCP((ClientDownload)this, filename, hostItem.getTCPSocket(), partsSubdir, logger);
HashAlgorithm[] hashesAlgo = new HashAlgorithm[1];
hashesAlgo[0] = HashAlgorithm.SHA512;
ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<HashRequest> d = new ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<>(new HashRequest(filename, hashesAlgo));
try {
try {
Payload pHash = d.receiveResponse().getPayload();
assert pHash instanceof HashResponse : "This payload must be instance of HashResponse";
if (!(pHash instanceof HashResponse)) {
throw new InternalError();
} else {
hash = ((HashResponse)pHash).getHash(HashAlgorithm.SHA512);
} catch (EmptyDirectory e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
hash = new byte[0];
} catch (NotFound e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
hash = new byte[0];
// TODO: use more specific errors
} catch (EmptyFile e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (ProtocolError e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (InternalRemoteError e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (VersionRemoteError e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (ProtocolRemoteError e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (TransmissionError e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (VersionError e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (SizeError e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (NotATracker e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
return hash;
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (SocketClosed e){
System.err.println("getHashSum512 : SocketClosed");
logger.writeTCP("getHashSum512 : SocketClosed", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
/** Removes servers not owning the correct file to download from list.
* This is done by comparing hash512sum.
* @throws InternalError
private void purgeList() throws InternalError {
List<HostItem> blackList = new ArrayList<HostItem>();
boolean first = false;
byte[] hashsum;
for(HostItem host: hostList) {
// already have hashsum from 1st server
if (!first) {
first = true;
// ask hashsum
hashsum = getHashSum512(host);
if (!Arrays.equals(hash512, hashsum)) {
// purge list
for(HostItem host: blackList) {
System.err.println("Host list purge: done");
logger.writeTCP("Host list purge: done", LogLevel.Info);
} }
/** Getter for hash512sum /** Close HostItem socket
* @return hash512sum * @param hostItem HostItem
*/ */
public byte[] getHashSum512() { protected void closeHostItemSocket(HostItem hostItem) {
return hash512; hostItem.closeTCPSocket();
} }
/** Initialize infos about file to download (size, hash512sum, partslist to dl). /** Implementation of writeLog
* Also download first partfile (to get size). * @param text Text to log
* @throws InternalError * @param logLevel level of logging
*/ */
private void init() throws InternalError { protected void writeLog(String text, LogLevel logLevel) {
// get size logger.writeTCP(text, logLevel);
// get hashsum from 1st server in list
hash512 = getHashSum512(hostList.get(0));
if (hash512.length == 0) {
System.err.println("Error: no hash512sum support.");
logger.writeTCP("no hash512sum support.", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
// Add tasks
if (!stop) {
for(long i=MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE; i<size;i+=MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE) {
System.err.println("Adding tasks: done");
logger.writeTCP("Adding tasks: done", LogLevel.Info);
} }
/** Set size of file to download. Also download first file part. /** Implementation of writeLog
* @throws InternalError * @param e exception to log
* @param logLevel level of logging
*/ */
private void setSize() throws InternalError { protected void writeLog(Exception e, LogLevel logLevel) {
ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<LoadRequest> d = new ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<>(new LoadRequest(filename, 0, MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE)); logger.writeTCP(e, logLevel);
try {
try {
Payload p = d.receiveResponse().getPayload();
assert p instanceof FilePart : "This payload must be instance of FilePart";
if (!(p instanceof FilePart)) {
System.err.println("Error: cannot get size.");
logger.writeTCP("cannot get size.", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} else {
FilePart fp = (FilePart)p;
if (!fp.getFilename().equals(filename)) {
System.err.println("Error: wrong file received: `" + fp.getFilename() + "`");
logger.writeTCP("wrong file received: `" + fp.getFilename() + "`", LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
if (fp.getOffset() == 0) {
try {
Files.write(new File(partsSubdir + filename + "_0.part").toPath(), fp.getPartialContent());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error: cannot write file (" + partsSubdir + filename + "_0.part)");
logger.writeTCP("cannot write file (" + partsSubdir + filename + "_0.part)", LogLevel.Error);
size = fp.getTotalSize();
if (fp.getPartialContent().length == size) {
stop = true;
} else {
System.err.println("Error: wrong file part received.");
logger.writeTCP("wrong file part received.", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (EmptyDirectory e) {
System.err.println("Error: empty directory.");
logger.writeTCP("empty directory.", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (EmptyFile e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
// TODO: use more specific errors
throw new InternalError();
} catch (ProtocolError e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (InternalRemoteError e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (VersionRemoteError e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (ProtocolRemoteError e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (TransmissionError e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (VersionError e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (SizeError e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (NotFound e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (NotATracker e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (SocketClosed e){
System.err.println("setSize : SocketClosed");
logger.writeTCP("setSize : SocketClosed", LogLevel.Error);
} }
/** Success getter. /** Create packets
* @return true when file have successfully been reassembled. * @param payload Payload
*/ */
public boolean getSuccess() { protected < T extends Payload > ProtocolP2PPacket<T> createProtocolP2PPacket(T payload) {
return success; return (ProtocolP2PPacket<T>)new ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<T>(payload);
} }
/** Reassemble file from file parts. /** Getter for HostItem socket
* Set success to true if file is reassembled successfully. * @param hostItem HostItem
*/ */
private void reassembleFile() { protected Object getHostItemSocket(HostItem hostItem) {
boolean firstPart = true; return (Object)hostItem.getTCPSocket();
boolean abort = false;
long nextOffset = 0;
do {
if (firstPart) {
System.err.println("Reassembling: First part");
logger.writeTCP("Reassembling: First part", LogLevel.Info);
try {
// create file
Files.copy(new File(partsSubdir + filename + "_" + nextOffset + ".part").toPath(), new File(dirStorage + filename).toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
nextOffset = (new File(dirStorage + filename)).length();
firstPart = false;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Reassembling: aborting on first part");
logger.writeTCP("Reassembling: aborting on first part", LogLevel.Error);
abort = true;
} else if (nextOffset >= size) {
success = true;
System.err.println("Reassembling: success");
logger.writeTCP("Reassembling: success", LogLevel.Info);
} else {
// append to file
try {
Files.write(new File(dirStorage + filename).toPath(), Files.readAllBytes(new File(partsSubdir + filename + "_" + nextOffset + ".part").toPath()), StandardOpenOption.APPEND);
nextOffset = (new File(dirStorage + filename)).length();
} catch (IOException e) {
abort = true;
System.err.println("Aborting: bad number " + nextOffset);
logger.writeTCP("Aborting: bad number " + nextOffset, LogLevel.Error);
} while((!success) && (!abort));
} }
} }

@ -25,10 +25,12 @@ import protocolP2P.HashAlgorithm;
import protocolP2P.HashResponse; import protocolP2P.HashResponse;
import protocolP2P.HashRequest; import protocolP2P.HashRequest;
import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketUDP; import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketUDP;
import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket;
import protocolP2P.Payload; import protocolP2P.Payload;
import protocolP2P.FilePart; import protocolP2P.FilePart;
import protocolP2P.LoadRequest; import protocolP2P.LoadRequest;
import clientP2P.ClientDownloadPartUDP; import clientP2P.ClientDownloadPartUDP;
import clientP2P.ClientDownload;
import tools.HostItem; import tools.HostItem;
import tools.Logger; import tools.Logger;
import tools.LogLevel; import tools.LogLevel;
@ -40,400 +42,61 @@ import tools.LogLevel;
* @author JS Auge * @author JS Auge
* @version 1.0 * @version 1.0
*/ */
public class ClientDownloadUDP implements Runnable { public class ClientDownloadUDP extends ClientDownload {
private List<HostItem> hostList;
private String filename;
private byte[] hash512;
private List<ClientDownloadPartUDP> sockList = new ArrayList<ClientDownloadPartUDP>();
private List<Long> offsetsToAsk = new ArrayList<Long>();
private List<Long> offsetsPending = new ArrayList<Long>();
private boolean stop;
private long size;
private static final long MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE = 4096;
private String partsSubdir;
private String dirStorage;
private boolean success = false;
private Logger logger;
/** Constructor with parameters: filename, list of hosts, parts subdirectory and dirStorage /** Constructor with parameters: filename, list of hosts, parts subdirectory and dirStorage
* @param filename name of file to download * @param filename name of file to download
* @param hostList list of servers * @param hostList list of servers
* @param partsSubdir directory to store .part files * @param partsSubdir directory to store .part files
* @param dirStorage directory to write assembled file * @param dirStorage directory to write assembled file
* @param logger Logger
*/ */
public ClientDownloadUDP(String filename, List<HostItem> hostList, String partsSubdir, String dirStorage, Logger logger) { public ClientDownloadUDP(String filename, List<HostItem> hostList, String partsSubdir, String dirStorage, Logger logger) {
this.partsSubdir = partsSubdir; super(filename, hostList, partsSubdir, dirStorage, logger);
this.dirStorage = dirStorage;
this.filename = filename;
this.hostList = hostList;
this.logger = logger;
this.stop = false;
/** Asks thread to stop
public void setStop() {
stop = true;
/** Runnable implementation
public void run() {
try {
if (stop) {
System.err.println("File is smaller than part max size.");
logger.writeUDP("File is smaller than part max size.", LogLevel.Info);
} else {
System.err.println("File is bigger than part max size.");
logger.writeUDP("File is bigger than part max size.", LogLevel.Info);
while(!stop) {
System.err.println("Reassembling file parts.");
logger.writeUDP("Reassembling file parts.", LogLevel.Info);
} catch(InternalError e) {
System.err.println("Error while downloading file. Aborting.");
logger.writeUDP("Error while downloading file. Aborting.", LogLevel.Error);
} finally {
/** Starts threads for each server in hostList.
private void initThreads() {
for(HostItem hostItem: hostList) {
sockList.add(new ClientDownloadPartUDP(this, filename, hostItem.getUDPSocket(), partsSubdir, logger));
for(ClientDownloadPartUDP c: sockList) {
Thread t = new Thread(c);
System.err.println("Threads initialized");
logger.writeUDP("Threads initialized", LogLevel.Error);
/** Remove tasks from failed threads. Update done status.
* @throws InternalError
private void checkTasksStatus() throws InternalError {
try {
synchronized(this) {
List<ClientDownloadPartUDP> sockListCpy = new ArrayList<>(sockList);
for(ClientDownloadPartUDP c: sockListCpy) {
if (c.hasFailed() == true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new InternalError();
System.err.println("Task check status: " + offsetsToAsk.size() + " to asks, " + offsetsPending.size() + " pending");
logger.writeUDP("Task check status: " + offsetsToAsk.size() + " to asks, " + offsetsPending.size() + " pending", LogLevel.Info);
if (offsetsToAsk.isEmpty() && offsetsPending.isEmpty()) {
stop = true;
if (sockList.size() == 0) {
System.err.println("No thread working");
logger.writeUDP("No thread working", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new InternalError();
/** Assign tasks randomly to threads.
* @throws InternalError
private void assignTasks() throws InternalError {
Random rand = new Random();
for(long offset : offsetsToAsk) {
try {
System.err.println("Assigned task "+ offset);
logger.writeUDP("Assigned task "+ offset, LogLevel.Info);
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
/** Stop threads */
private void stopTasks() {
for(ClientDownloadPartUDP c : sockList) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
} }
/** Get hashsum from server. /** Create a clientDownloadPart
* @param hostItem server to ask hash * @param filename name of the file to download
* @return hash512sum * @param hostItem Hostitem of the server
* @throws InternalError
*/ */
private byte[] getHashSum512(HostItem hostItem) throws InternalError { protected ClientDownloadPart createDownloadPart(String filename, HostItem hostItem) {
byte[] hash; return (ClientDownloadPart)new ClientDownloadPartUDP((ClientDownload)this, filename, hostItem.getUDPSocket(), partsSubdir, logger);
HashAlgorithm[] hashesAlgo = new HashAlgorithm[1];
hashesAlgo[0] = HashAlgorithm.SHA512;
ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<HashRequest> d = new ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<>(new HashRequest(filename, hashesAlgo));
try {
try {
Payload pHash = d.receiveResponse().getPayload();
assert pHash instanceof HashResponse : "This payload must be instance of HashResponse";
if (!(pHash instanceof HashResponse)) {
throw new InternalError();
} else {
hash = ((HashResponse)pHash).getHash(HashAlgorithm.SHA512);
} catch (EmptyDirectory e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
hash = new byte[0];
} catch (NotFound e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
hash = new byte[0];
// TODO: use more specific errors
} catch (EmptyFile e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (ProtocolError e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (InternalRemoteError e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (VersionRemoteError e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (ProtocolRemoteError e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (TransmissionError e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (VersionError e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (SizeError e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (NotATracker e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
return hash;
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
/** Removes servers not owning the correct file to download from list.
* This is done by comparing hash512sum.
* @throws InternalError
private void purgeList() throws InternalError {
List<HostItem> blackList = new ArrayList<HostItem>();
boolean first = false;
byte[] hashsum;
for(HostItem host: hostList) {
// already have hashsum from 1st server
if (!first) {
first = true;
// ask hashsum
hashsum = getHashSum512(host);
if (!Arrays.equals(hash512, hashsum)) {
// purge list
for(HostItem host: blackList) {
System.err.println("Host list purge: done");
logger.writeUDP("Host list purge: done", LogLevel.Info);
} }
/** Getter for hash512sum /** Implementation of writeLog
* @return hash512sum * @param text Text to log
* @param logLevel level of logging
*/ */
public byte[] getHashSum512() { protected void writeLog(String text, LogLevel logLevel) {
return hash512; logger.writeUDP(text, logLevel);
} }
/** Initialize infos about file to download (size, hash512sum, partslist to dl). /** Implementation of writeLog
* Also download first partfile (to get size). * @param e exception to log
* @throws InternalError * @param logLevel level of logging
*/ */
private void init() throws InternalError { protected void writeLog(Exception e, LogLevel logLevel) {
// get size logger.writeUDP(e, logLevel);
// get hashsum from 1st server in list
hash512 = getHashSum512(hostList.get(0));
if (hash512.length == 0) {
System.err.println("Error: no hash512sum support.");
logger.writeUDP("no hash512sum support.", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
// Add tasks
if (!stop) {
for(long i=MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE; i<size;i+=MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE) {
System.err.println("Adding tasks: done");
logger.writeUDP("Adding tasks: done", LogLevel.Info);
} }
/** Set size of file to download. Also download first file part. /** Create packets
* @throws InternalError * @param payload Payload
*/ */
private void setSize() throws InternalError { protected < T extends Payload > ProtocolP2PPacket<T> createProtocolP2PPacket(T payload) {
ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<LoadRequest> d = new ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<>(new LoadRequest(filename, 0, MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE)); return (ProtocolP2PPacket<T>)new ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<T>(payload);
try {
try {
Payload p = d.receiveResponse().getPayload();
assert p instanceof FilePart : "This payload must be instance of FilePart";
if (!(p instanceof FilePart)) {
System.err.println("Error: cannot get size.");
logger.writeUDP("cannot get size.", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} else {
FilePart fp = (FilePart)p;
if (!fp.getFilename().equals(filename)) {
System.err.println("Error: wrong file received: `" + fp.getFilename() + "`");
logger.writeUDP("wrong file received: `" + fp.getFilename() + "`", LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
if (fp.getOffset() == 0) {
try {
Files.write(new File(partsSubdir + filename + "_0.part").toPath(), fp.getPartialContent());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error: cannot write file (" + partsSubdir + filename + "_0.part)");
logger.writeUDP("cannot write file (" + partsSubdir + filename + "_0.part)", LogLevel.Error);
size = fp.getTotalSize();
if (fp.getPartialContent().length == size) {
stop = true;
} else {
System.err.println("Error: wrong file part received.");
logger.writeUDP("wrong file part received.", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (EmptyDirectory e) {
System.err.println("Error: empty directory.");
logger.writeUDP("empty directory.", LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (EmptyFile e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
// TODO: use more specific errors
throw new InternalError();
} catch (ProtocolError e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (InternalRemoteError e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (VersionRemoteError e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (ProtocolRemoteError e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (TransmissionError e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (VersionError e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (SizeError e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (NotFound e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (NotATracker e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} }
/** Success getter. /** Getter for HostItem socket
* @return true when file have successfully been reassembled. * @param hostItem HostItem
*/ */
public boolean getSuccess() { protected Object getHostItemSocket(HostItem hostItem) {
return success; return (Object)hostItem.getUDPSocket();
} }
/** Reassemble file from file parts. /** Close HostItem socket
* Set success to true if file is reassembled successfully. * @param hostItem HostItem
*/ */
private void reassembleFile() { protected void closeHostItemSocket(HostItem hostItem) {
boolean firstPart = true; hostItem.closeUDPSocket();
boolean abort = false;
long nextOffset = 0;
do {
if (firstPart) {
System.err.println("Reassembling: First part");
logger.writeUDP("Reassembling: First part", LogLevel.Info);
try {
// create file
Files.copy(new File(partsSubdir + filename + "_" + nextOffset + ".part").toPath(), new File(dirStorage + filename).toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
nextOffset = (new File(dirStorage + filename)).length();
firstPart = false;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Reassembling: aborting on first part");
logger.writeUDP("Reassembling: aborting on first part", LogLevel.Warning);
abort = true;
} else if (nextOffset >= size) {
success = true;
System.err.println("Reassembling: success");
logger.writeUDP("Reassembling: success", LogLevel.Info);
} else {
// append to file
try {
Files.write(new File(dirStorage + filename).toPath(), Files.readAllBytes(new File(partsSubdir + filename + "_" + nextOffset + ".part").toPath()), StandardOpenOption.APPEND);
nextOffset = (new File(dirStorage + filename)).length();
} catch (IOException e) {
abort = true;
System.err.println("Aborting: bad number " + nextOffset);
logger.writeUDP("Aborting: bad number " + nextOffset, LogLevel.Error);
} while((!success) && (!abort));
} }
} }

@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
package clientP2P;
import tools.HostItem;
import tools.Logger;
import tools.LogLevel;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.List;
import localException.ProtocolError;
import tools.ServeErrors;
import protocolP2P.RequestResponseCode;
import protocolP2P.FileList;
import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket;
import protocolP2P.DiscoverRequest;
import protocolP2P.DiscoverResponse;
import protocolP2P.Payload;
import protocolP2P.HashAlgorithm;
import localException.InternalError;
import localException.ProtocolError;
import localException.SizeError;
import localException.TransmissionError;
import localException.VersionError;
import localException.SocketClosed;
import remoteException.EmptyFile;
import remoteException.EmptyDirectory;
import remoteException.InternalRemoteError;
import remoteException.NotFound;
import remoteException.ProtocolRemoteError;
import remoteException.VersionRemoteError;
import remoteException.NotATracker;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
/** Implementation of P2P-JAVA-PROJECT CLIENT
* @author Louis Royer
* @author Flavien Haas
* @author JS Auge
* @version 1.0
public abstract class ClientManagement extends ServeErrors implements Runnable {
protected String baseDirectory;
protected String partsSubdir;
protected List<HostItem> hostList;
protected HostItem tracker;
protected Logger logger;
protected Scanner scanner;
protected ClientDownload downLoader;
/** Constructor with baseDirectory, tracker, partsSubdir, logger, and scanner parameters.
* @param baseDirectory the root directory where files are stored
* @param tracker Tracker hostItem
* @param partsSubdir subdirectory to store file parts
* @param logger Loggger
* @param scanner Scanner used to read input
public ClientManagement(String baseDirectory, HostItem tracker, String partsSubdir, Logger logger, Scanner scanner) {
this.scanner = scanner;
this.baseDirectory = baseDirectory;
this.tracker = tracker;
this.partsSubdir = partsSubdir;
this.logger = logger;
try {
} catch (InternalError e) {
} catch (ProtocolError e) {
/** Getter for tracker socket
protected abstract Object getTrackerSocket();
/** Initialize hostList from tracker
* @throws ProtocolError
* @throws InternalError
private void initHostList() throws ProtocolError, InternalError {
ProtocolP2PPacket<?> d = createProtocolP2PPacket(new DiscoverRequest(null));
try {
Payload p = d.receiveResponse().getPayload();
assert p instanceof DiscoverResponse : "This payload must be instance of Filelist";
if (!(p instanceof DiscoverResponse)) {
throw new InternalError();
} else {
hostList = ((DiscoverResponse)p).getHostList();
} catch (SocketClosed e){
writeLog("listDirectory : SocketClosed", LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
} catch (NotATracker e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
} catch (Exception e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
/** Compute Hashsum of a file.
* @param filename
* @return hashsum
protected byte[] computeHashsum(String filename, HashAlgorithm h) {
try {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(HashAlgorithm.SHA512.getName());
return md.digest(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(baseDirectory + filename)));
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
writeLog(h.getName() + " not supported", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (IOException e) {
writeLog("cannot read " + filename, LogLevel.Error);
return new byte[0];
/** Getter for HostItem socket
* @param hostItem HostItem
protected abstract Object getHostItemSocket(HostItem hostItem);
/** list servers directory content
* @return list of files
* @throws InternalError
* @throws UnknowHostException
* @throws IOException
* @throws TransmissionError
* @throws ProtocolError
* @throws VersionError
* @throws SizeError
* @throws EmptyDirectory
* @throws InternalRemoteError
* @throws ProtocolRemoteError
* @throws VersionRemoteError
protected String[] listDirectory() throws EmptyDirectory, InternalError, UnknownHostException, IOException, TransmissionError, ProtocolError, VersionError, SizeError, InternalRemoteError, ProtocolRemoteError, VersionRemoteError {
ProtocolP2PPacket<?> d = createProtocolP2PPacket(new Payload(RequestResponseCode.LIST_REQUEST));
try {
Payload p = d.receiveResponse().getPayload();
assert p instanceof FileList : "This payload must be instance of Filelist";
if (!(p instanceof FileList)) {
throw new InternalError();
} else {
return ((FileList)p).getFileList();
} catch (NotFound e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
} catch (EmptyFile e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
} catch (SocketClosed e){
writeLog("listDirectory : SocketClosed", LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
} catch (NotATracker e) {
writeLog(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
/** Initialize downloader
* @param filename Name of the file to download
protected abstract void initDownloader(String filename);
/** Try to download a file
* @param filename name of the file to download
* @throws NotFound
* @throws InternalError
* @throws UnknownHostException
* @throws IOException
* @throws TransmissionError
* @throws ProtocolError
* @throws VersionError
* @throws SizeError
* @throws InternalRemoteError
* @throws ProtocolRemoteError
* @throws VersionRemoteError
* @throws EmptyFile
private void download(String filename) throws EmptyFile, NotFound, InternalError, UnknownHostException, IOException, TransmissionError, ProtocolError, VersionError, SizeError, InternalRemoteError, ProtocolRemoteError, VersionRemoteError {
Thread t = new Thread(downLoader);
try {
if (downLoader.getSuccess()) {
byte[] hash512 = downLoader.getHashSum512();
if (!Arrays.equals(hash512, computeHashsum(filename, HashAlgorithm.SHA512))) {
writeLog("Hashsum does not match", LogLevel.Error);
String line = "Computed checksum:\n";
byte[] c = computeHashsum(filename, HashAlgorithm.SHA512);
for (byte b: c) {
line += String.format("%02X", b);
line += "\nReceived checksum:\n";
for (byte b: hash512) {
line += String.format("%02X", b);
line += "\n";
writeLog(line, LogLevel.Info);
throw new InternalError();
} else {
throw new InternalError();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new InternalError();
/** Implementation of Runnable
public void run() {
try {
String[] list = listDirectory();
System.out.println("Files present on the server:");
for(String listItem: list) {
System.out.println("Name of the file to download:");
String f = scanner.nextLine();
System.out.println("File " + f + " sucessfully downloaded");
writeLog("File " + f + " sucessfully downloaded", LogLevel.Info);
} catch (EmptyDirectory e) {
writeLog("Server has no file in directory", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (InternalError e) {
writeLog("Client internal error", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
writeLog("Server host is unknown", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (IOException e) {
writeLog("Request cannot be send or response cannot be received", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (TransmissionError e) {
writeLog("Message received is too big", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (ProtocolError e) {
writeLog("Cannot decode servers response", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (VersionError e) {
writeLog("Servers response use bad version of the protocol", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (SizeError e) {
writeLog("Cannot handle this packets because of internal representation limitations of numbers on the client", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (InternalRemoteError e) {
writeLog("Server internal error", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (ProtocolRemoteError e) {
writeLog("Server cannot decode clients request", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (VersionRemoteError e) {
writeLog("Server cannot decode this version of the protocol", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (NotFound e) {
writeLog("Server has not this file in directory", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (EmptyFile e) {
writeLog("File is empty", LogLevel.Error);

@ -1,38 +1,15 @@
package clientP2P; package clientP2P;
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Scanner;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import localException.InternalError;
import localException.ProtocolError;
import localException.SizeError;
import localException.TransmissionError;
import localException.VersionError;
import localException.SocketClosed;
import remoteException.EmptyFile;
import remoteException.EmptyDirectory;
import remoteException.InternalRemoteError;
import remoteException.NotFound;
import remoteException.ProtocolRemoteError;
import remoteException.VersionRemoteError;
import remoteException.NotATracker;
import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketTCP;
import protocolP2P.Payload; import protocolP2P.Payload;
import protocolP2P.RequestResponseCode; import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket;
import protocolP2P.FileList; import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketTCP;
import protocolP2P.HashAlgorithm;
import clientP2P.ClientDownloadTCP;
import tools.HostItem; import tools.HostItem;
import tools.Logger; import tools.Logger;
import tools.LogLevel; import tools.LogLevel;
import protocolP2P.DiscoverRequest; import clientP2P.ClientDownloadTCP;
import protocolP2P.DiscoverResponse; import clientP2P.ClientManagement;
/** Implementation of P2P-JAVA-PROJECT CLIENT /** Implementation of P2P-JAVA-PROJECT CLIENT
* @author Louis Royer * @author Louis Royer
@ -40,14 +17,7 @@ import protocolP2P.DiscoverResponse;
* @author JS Auge * @author JS Auge
* @version 1.0 * @version 1.0
*/ */
public class ClientManagementTCP implements Runnable { public class ClientManagementTCP extends ClientManagement {
private String baseDirectory;
private String partsSubdir;
private List<HostItem> hostList;
private HostItem tracker;
private Logger logger;
private Scanner scanner;
/** Constructor for TCP implementation, with baseDirectory, tracker, partsSubdir, logger, and scanner parameters. /** Constructor for TCP implementation, with baseDirectory, tracker, partsSubdir, logger, and scanner parameters.
* @param baseDirectory the root directory where files are stored * @param baseDirectory the root directory where files are stored
* @param tracker Tracker hostItem * @param tracker Tracker hostItem
@ -56,189 +26,51 @@ public class ClientManagementTCP implements Runnable {
* @param scanner Scanner used to read input * @param scanner Scanner used to read input
*/ */
public ClientManagementTCP(String baseDirectory, HostItem tracker, String partsSubdir, Logger logger, Scanner scanner) { public ClientManagementTCP(String baseDirectory, HostItem tracker, String partsSubdir, Logger logger, Scanner scanner) {
this.scanner = scanner; super(baseDirectory, tracker, partsSubdir, logger, scanner);
this.baseDirectory = baseDirectory;
this.tracker = tracker;
this.partsSubdir = partsSubdir;
this.logger = logger;
try {
} catch (InternalError e) {
} catch (ProtocolError e) {
} }
/** Implementation of Runnable /** Initialize downloader
* @param filename Name of the file to download
*/ */
public void run() { protected void initDownloader(String filename) {
try { downLoader = (ClientDownload) new ClientDownloadTCP(filename, hostList, partsSubdir, baseDirectory, logger);
String[] list = listDirectory();
System.out.println("Files present on the server:");
for(String listItem: list) {
System.out.println("Name of the file to download:");
String f = scanner.nextLine();
System.out.println("File " + f + " sucessfully downloaded");
logger.writeTCP("File " + f + " sucessfully downloaded", LogLevel.Info);
} catch (EmptyDirectory e) {
logger.writeTCP("Server has no file in directory", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (InternalError e) {
logger.writeTCP("Client internal error", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
logger.writeTCP("Server host is unknown", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.writeTCP("Request cannot be send or response cannot be received", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (TransmissionError e) {
logger.writeTCP("Message received is too big", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (ProtocolError e) {
logger.writeTCP("Cannot decode servers response", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (VersionError e) {
logger.writeTCP("Servers response use bad version of the protocol", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (SizeError e) {
logger.writeTCP("Cannot handle this packets because of internal representation limitations of numbers on the client", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (InternalRemoteError e) {
logger.writeTCP("Server internal error", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (ProtocolRemoteError e) {
logger.writeTCP("Server cannot decode clients request", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (VersionRemoteError e) {
logger.writeTCP("Server cannot decode this version of the protocol", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (NotFound e) {
logger.writeTCP("Server has not this file in directory", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (EmptyFile e) {
logger.writeTCP("File is empty", LogLevel.Error);
} }
/** Try to download a file
* @param filename name of the file to download
* @throws NotFound /** Implementation of writeLog
* @throws InternalError * @param text Text to log
* @throws UnknownHostException * @param logLevel level of logging
* @throws IOException
* @throws TransmissionError
* @throws ProtocolError
* @throws VersionError
* @throws SizeError
* @throws InternalRemoteError
* @throws ProtocolRemoteError
* @throws VersionRemoteError
* @throws EmptyFile
*/ */
private void download(String filename) throws EmptyFile, NotFound, InternalError, UnknownHostException, IOException, TransmissionError, ProtocolError, VersionError, SizeError, InternalRemoteError, ProtocolRemoteError, VersionRemoteError { protected void writeLog(String text, LogLevel logLevel) {
ClientDownloadTCP downLoader = new ClientDownloadTCP(filename, hostList, partsSubdir, baseDirectory, logger); logger.writeTCP(text, logLevel);
Thread t = new Thread(downLoader);
try {
if (downLoader.getSuccess()) {
byte[] hash512 = downLoader.getHashSum512();
if (!Arrays.equals(hash512, computeHashsum(filename, HashAlgorithm.SHA512))) {
logger.writeTCP("Hashsum does not match", LogLevel.Error);
String line = "Computed checksum:\n";
byte[] c = computeHashsum(filename, HashAlgorithm.SHA512);
for (byte b: c) {
line += String.format("%02X", b);
line += "\nReceived checksum:\n";
for (byte b: hash512) {
line += String.format("%02X", b);
line += "\n";
logger.writeTCP(line, LogLevel.Info);
throw new InternalError();
} else {
throw new InternalError();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new InternalError();
} }
/** list servers directory content /** Implementation of writeLog
* @return list of files * @param e exception to log
* @throws InternalError * @param logLevel level of logging
* @throws UnknowHostException
* @throws IOException
* @throws TransmissionError
* @throws ProtocolError
* @throws VersionError
* @throws SizeError
* @throws EmptyDirectory
* @throws InternalRemoteError
* @throws ProtocolRemoteError
* @throws VersionRemoteError
*/ */
private String[] listDirectory() throws EmptyDirectory, InternalError, UnknownHostException, IOException, TransmissionError, ProtocolError, VersionError, SizeError, InternalRemoteError, ProtocolRemoteError, VersionRemoteError { protected void writeLog(Exception e, LogLevel logLevel) {
ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<Payload> d = new ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<>(new Payload(RequestResponseCode.LIST_REQUEST)); logger.writeTCP(e, logLevel);
try {
Payload p = d.receiveResponse().getPayload();
assert p instanceof FileList : "This payload must be instance of Filelist";
if (!(p instanceof FileList)) {
throw new InternalError();
} else {
return ((FileList)p).getFileList();
} catch (NotFound e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
} catch (EmptyFile e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
} catch (SocketClosed e){
logger.writeTCP("listDirectory : SocketClosed", LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
} catch (NotATracker e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
} }
/** Compute Hashsum of a file. /** Create packets
* @param filename * @param payload Payload
* @return hashsum
*/ */
private byte[] computeHashsum(String filename, HashAlgorithm h) { protected < T extends Payload > ProtocolP2PPacket<T> createProtocolP2PPacket(T payload) {
try { return (ProtocolP2PPacket<T>)new ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<T>(payload);
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(HashAlgorithm.SHA512.getName());
return md.digest(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(baseDirectory + filename)));
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
logger.writeTCP(h.getName() + " not supported", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.writeTCP("cannot read " + filename, LogLevel.Error);
return new byte[0];
} }
/** Initialize hostList from tracker /** Getter for tracker socket
* @throws ProtocolError
* @throws InternalError
*/ */
private void initHostList() throws ProtocolError, InternalError { protected Object getTrackerSocket() {
ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<DiscoverRequest> d = new ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<>(new DiscoverRequest(null)); return (Object)tracker.getTCPSocket();
try {
Payload p = d.receiveResponse().getPayload();
assert p instanceof DiscoverResponse : "This payload must be instance of Filelist";
if (!(p instanceof DiscoverResponse)) {
throw new InternalError();
} else {
hostList = ((DiscoverResponse)p).getHostList();
} catch (SocketClosed e){
logger.writeTCP("listDirectory : SocketClosed", LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
} catch (NotATracker e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
} }
/** Getter for HostItem socket
* @param hostItem HostItem
protected Object getHostItemSocket(HostItem hostItem) {
return (Object)hostItem.getTCPSocket();
} }
} }

@ -1,37 +1,14 @@
package clientP2P; package clientP2P;
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import localException.InternalError;
import localException.ProtocolError;
import localException.SizeError;
import localException.TransmissionError;
import localException.VersionError;
import remoteException.EmptyFile;
import remoteException.EmptyDirectory;
import remoteException.InternalRemoteError;
import remoteException.NotFound;
import remoteException.ProtocolRemoteError;
import remoteException.VersionRemoteError;
import remoteException.NotATracker;
import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketUDP;
import protocolP2P.Payload; import protocolP2P.Payload;
import protocolP2P.RequestResponseCode; import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket;
import protocolP2P.FileList; import protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketUDP;
import protocolP2P.HashAlgorithm;
import protocolP2P.DiscoverRequest;
import protocolP2P.DiscoverResponse;
import tools.HostItem; import tools.HostItem;
import tools.Logger; import tools.Logger;
import tools.LogLevel; import tools.LogLevel;
import clientP2P.ClientDownloadUDP; import clientP2P.ClientDownloadUDP;
import clientP2P.ClientManagement;
/** Implementation of P2P-JAVA-PROJECT CLIENT /** Implementation of P2P-JAVA-PROJECT CLIENT
* @author Louis Royer * @author Louis Royer
@ -39,14 +16,7 @@ import clientP2P.ClientDownloadUDP;
* @author JS Auge * @author JS Auge
* @version 1.0 * @version 1.0
*/ */
public class ClientManagementUDP implements Runnable { public class ClientManagementUDP extends ClientManagement {
private String baseDirectory;
private String partsSubdir;
private List<HostItem> hostList;
private HostItem tracker;
private Logger logger;
private Scanner scanner;
/** Constructor for UDP implementation, with baseDirectory, tracker, partsSubdir, logger and scanner parameters. /** Constructor for UDP implementation, with baseDirectory, tracker, partsSubdir, logger and scanner parameters.
* @param baseDirectory the root directory where files are stored * @param baseDirectory the root directory where files are stored
* @param tracker tracker HostItem * @param tracker tracker HostItem
@ -55,201 +25,56 @@ public class ClientManagementUDP implements Runnable {
* @param scanner Scanner used to read input * @param scanner Scanner used to read input
*/ */
public ClientManagementUDP(String baseDirectory, HostItem tracker, String partsSubdir, Logger logger, Scanner scanner) { public ClientManagementUDP(String baseDirectory, HostItem tracker, String partsSubdir, Logger logger, Scanner scanner) {
this.scanner = scanner; super(baseDirectory, tracker, partsSubdir, logger, scanner);
this.baseDirectory = baseDirectory;
this.tracker = tracker;
this.partsSubdir = partsSubdir;
this.logger = logger;
try {
} catch (InternalError e) {
} catch (ProtocolError e) {
} }
/** Implementation of Runnable /** Initialize downloader
* @param filename Name of the file to download
*/ */
public void run() { protected void initDownloader(String filename) {
try { downLoader = (ClientDownload) new ClientDownloadUDP(filename, hostList, partsSubdir, baseDirectory, logger);
String[] list = listDirectory();
System.out.println("Files present on the server:");
for(String listItem: list) {
System.out.println("Name of the file to download:");
String f = scanner.nextLine();
System.out.println("File " + f + " sucessfully downloaded");
logger.writeUDP("File " + f + " sucessfully downloaded", LogLevel.Info);
} catch (EmptyDirectory e) {
System.err.println("Error: Server has no file in directory");
logger.writeUDP("Error: Server has no file in directory", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (InternalError e) {
System.err.println("Error: Client internal error");
logger.writeUDP("Error: Client internal error", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
System.err.println("Error: Server host is unknown");
logger.writeUDP("Error: Server host is unknown", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error: Request cannot be send or response cannot be received");
logger.writeUDP("Error: Request cannot be send or response cannot be received", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (TransmissionError e) {
System.err.println("Error: Message received is too big");
logger.writeUDP("Error: Message received is too big", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (ProtocolError e) {
System.err.println("Error: Cannot decode servers response");
logger.writeUDP("Error: Cannot decode servers response", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (VersionError e) {
System.err.println("Error: Servers response use bad version of the protocol");
logger.writeUDP("Error: Servers response use bad version of the protocol", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (SizeError e) {
System.err.println("Error: Cannot handle this packets because of internal representation limitations of numbers on the client");
logger.writeUDP("Error: Cannot handle this packets because of internal representation limitations of numbers on the client", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (InternalRemoteError e) {
System.err.println("Error: Server internal error");
logger.writeUDP("Error: Server internal error", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (ProtocolRemoteError e) {
System.err.println("Error: Server cannot decode clients request");
logger.writeUDP("Error: Server cannot decode clients request", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (VersionRemoteError e) {
System.err.println("Error: Server cannot decode this version of the protocol");
logger.writeUDP("Error: Server cannot decode this version of the protocol", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (NotFound e) {
System.err.println("Error: Server has not this file in directory");
logger.writeUDP("Error: Server has not this file in directory", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (EmptyFile e) {
System.err.println("Error: File is empty");
logger.writeUDP("Error: File is empty", LogLevel.Error);
} }
/** Try to download a file /** Implementation of writeLog
* @param filename name of the file to download * @param text Text to log
* @throws NotFound * @param logLevel level of logging
* @throws InternalError
* @throws UnknownHostException
* @throws IOException
* @throws TransmissionError
* @throws ProtocolError
* @throws VersionError
* @throws SizeError
* @throws InternalRemoteError
* @throws ProtocolRemoteError
* @throws VersionRemoteError
* @throws EmptyFile
*/ */
private void download(String filename) throws EmptyFile, NotFound, InternalError, UnknownHostException, IOException, TransmissionError, ProtocolError, VersionError, SizeError, InternalRemoteError, ProtocolRemoteError, VersionRemoteError { protected void writeLog(String text, LogLevel logLevel) {
ClientDownloadUDP downLoader = new ClientDownloadUDP(filename, hostList, partsSubdir, baseDirectory, logger); logger.writeUDP(text, logLevel);
Thread t = new Thread(downLoader);
try {
if (downLoader.getSuccess()) {
byte[] hash512 = downLoader.getHashSum512();
if (!Arrays.equals(hash512, computeHashsum(filename, HashAlgorithm.SHA512))) {
System.err.println("Error: Hashsum does not match");
System.err.println("Computed checksum:");
byte[] c = computeHashsum(filename, HashAlgorithm.SHA512);
for (byte b: c) {
System.err.print(String.format("%02X", b));
logger.writeUDP("Computed checksum:" + String.format("%02X", b), LogLevel.Info);
System.err.println("Received checksum:");
for (byte b: hash512) {
System.err.print(String.format("%02X", b));
logger.writeUDP("Received checksum:" + String.format("%02X", b), LogLevel.Info);
throw new InternalError();
} else {
throw new InternalError();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new InternalError();
} }
/** list servers directory content /** Implementation of writeLog
* @return list of files * @param e exception to log
* @throws InternalError * @param logLevel level of logging
* @throws UnknowHostException
* @throws IOException
* @throws TransmissionError
* @throws ProtocolError
* @throws VersionError
* @throws SizeError
* @throws EmptyDirectory
* @throws InternalRemoteError
* @throws ProtocolRemoteError
* @throws VersionRemoteError
*/ */
private String[] listDirectory() throws EmptyDirectory, InternalError, UnknownHostException, IOException, TransmissionError, ProtocolError, VersionError, SizeError, InternalRemoteError, ProtocolRemoteError, VersionRemoteError { protected void writeLog(Exception e, LogLevel logLevel) {
ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<Payload> d = new ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<>(new Payload(RequestResponseCode.LIST_REQUEST)); logger.writeUDP(e, logLevel);
try {
Payload p = d.receiveResponse().getPayload();
assert p instanceof FileList : "This payload must be instance of Filelist";
if (!(p instanceof FileList)) {
throw new InternalError();
} else {
return ((FileList)p).getFileList();
} catch (NotFound e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
} catch (EmptyFile e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
} catch (NotATracker e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error);
throw new ProtocolError();
} }
/** Compute Hashsum of a file. /** Create packets
* @param filename * @param payload Payload
* @return hashsum
*/ */
private byte[] computeHashsum(String filename, HashAlgorithm h) { protected < T extends Payload > ProtocolP2PPacket<T> createProtocolP2PPacket(T payload) {
try { return (ProtocolP2PPacket<T>)new ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<T>(payload);
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(HashAlgorithm.SHA512.getName());
return md.digest(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(baseDirectory + filename)));
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
System.out.println("Error: " + h.getName() + " not supported");
logger.writeUDP("Error: " + h.getName() + " not supported", LogLevel.Error);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error: cannot read " + filename);
logger.writeUDP("Error: cannot read " + filename, LogLevel.Error);
return new byte[0];
} }
/** Initialize hostList from tracker /** Getter for tracker socket
* @throws ProtocolError
* @throws InternalError
*/ */
private void initHostList() throws ProtocolError, InternalError { protected Object getTrackerSocket() {
ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<DiscoverRequest> d = new ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<>(new DiscoverRequest(null)); return (Object)tracker.getUDPSocket();
try {
Payload p = d.receiveResponse().getPayload();
assert p instanceof DiscoverResponse : "This payload must be instance of Filelist";
if (!(p instanceof DiscoverResponse)) {
throw new InternalError();
} else {
hostList = ((DiscoverResponse)p).getHostList();
} }
} catch (NotATracker e) {
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error); /** Getter for HostItem socket
throw new ProtocolError(); * @param hostItem HostItem
} catch (Exception e) { */
logger.writeUDP(e, LogLevel.Error); protected Object getHostItemSocket(HostItem hostItem) {
throw new ProtocolError(); return (Object)hostItem.getUDPSocket();
} }
/** Close HostItem socket
* @param hostItem HostItem
protected void closeHostItemSocket(HostItem hostItem) {
} }
} }

@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ public class ServerManagementTCP extends ServerManagement {
try { try {
socket = new ServerSocket(server.getPort(), 10, server.getInetAddress()); socket = new ServerSocket(server.getPort(), 10, server.getInetAddress());
} catch (SocketException e) { } catch (SocketException e) {
logger.writeTCP("Error: cannot listen on " + server, LogLevel.Error); writeLog("Error: cannot listen on " + server, LogLevel.Error);
System.exit(-1); System.exit(-1);
} catch (IOException e) { } catch (IOException e) {
logger.writeTCP("Error: cannot openning socket", LogLevel.Error); writeLog("Error: cannot openning socket", LogLevel.Error);
System.exit(-2); System.exit(-2);
} }
} }
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public class ServerManagementTCP extends ServerManagement {
/** Implementation of runnable. This methods allows to run the server. /** Implementation of runnable. This methods allows to run the server.
*/ */
public void run() { public void run() {
logger.writeTCP("Server sucessfully started", LogLevel.Info); writeLog("Server sucessfully started", LogLevel.Info);
fileListWatcher = (FileWatcher)new FileWatcherTCP(logger, 10000, server, tracker, baseDirectory); // checking every 10 seconds fileListWatcher = (FileWatcher)new FileWatcherTCP(logger, 10000, server, tracker, baseDirectory); // checking every 10 seconds
(new Thread(fileListWatcher)).start(); (new Thread(fileListWatcher)).start();
while(!stop) { while(!stop) {
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public class ServerManagementTCP extends ServerManagement {
ClientHandler c = new ClientHandler(s); ClientHandler c = new ClientHandler(s);
(new Thread(c)).start(); (new Thread(c)).start();
} catch (IOException e) { } catch (IOException e) {
logger.writeTCP("Error while accepting new connection", LogLevel.Warning); writeLog("Error while accepting new connection", LogLevel.Warning);
} }
} }
fileListWatcher.setStop(); fileListWatcher.setStop();
@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ public class ServerManagementTCP extends ServerManagement {
public void run() { public void run() {
boolean end = false; boolean end = false;
logger.writeTCP("[" + addr + "] New connection", LogLevel.Action); writeLog("[" + addr + "] New connection", LogLevel.Action);
do { do {
end = handleClientRequest(); end = handleClientRequest();
} while(!end); } while(!end);
logger.writeTCP("[" + addr + "] End of connection", LogLevel.Action); writeLog("[" + addr + "] End of connection", LogLevel.Action);
} }
/** Respond to next request incomming on socket s. /** Respond to next request incomming on socket s.

@ -19,6 +19,13 @@ import localException.InternalError;
import remoteException.EmptyDirectory; import remoteException.EmptyDirectory;
import exception.LocalException; import exception.LocalException;
/** Tracker management implementation
* @author Louis Royer
* @author Flavien Haas
* @author JS Auge
* @version 1.0
public abstract class TrackerManagement extends ServeErrors implements Runnable { public abstract class TrackerManagement extends ServeErrors implements Runnable {
protected HostItem tracker; protected HostItem tracker;
protected Logger logger; protected Logger logger;

@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ public class TrackerManagementTCP extends TrackerManagement {
try { try {
socket = new ServerSocket(tracker.getPort(), 10, tracker.getInetAddress()); socket = new ServerSocket(tracker.getPort(), 10, tracker.getInetAddress());
} catch (SocketException e) { } catch (SocketException e) {
logger.writeTCP("Error: cannot listen on" + tracker, LogLevel.Error); writeLog("Error: cannot listen on" + tracker, LogLevel.Error);
System.exit(-1); System.exit(-1);
} catch (IOException e) { } catch (IOException e) {
logger.writeTCP("Error: cannot open socket", LogLevel.Error); writeLog("Error: cannot open socket", LogLevel.Error);
System.exit(-2); System.exit(-2);
} }
} }
@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ public class TrackerManagementTCP extends TrackerManagement {
/** Implementation of runnable. This methods allows to run the server. /** Implementation of runnable. This methods allows to run the server.
*/ */
public void run() { public void run() {
logger.writeTCP("Tracker sucessfully started", LogLevel.Info); writeLog("Tracker sucessfully started", LogLevel.Info);
while (!stop) { while (!stop) {
try { try {
Socket s = socket.accept(); Socket s = socket.accept();
ClientHandler c = new ClientHandler(s); ClientHandler c = new ClientHandler(s);
(new Thread(c)).start(); (new Thread(c)).start();
} catch (IOException e) { } catch (IOException e) {
logger.writeTCP("Error while accepting new connection", LogLevel.Warning); writeLog("Error while accepting new connection", LogLevel.Warning);
} }
} }
} }
@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ public class TrackerManagementTCP extends TrackerManagement {
public void run() { public void run() {
boolean end = false; boolean end = false;
logger.writeTCP("[ " + addr + "] New connection", LogLevel.Action); writeLog("[ " + addr + "] New connection", LogLevel.Action);
do { do {
end = handleClientRequest(); end = handleClientRequest();
} while(!end); } while(!end);
logger.writeTCP("[ " + addr + "] End of connection", LogLevel.Action); writeLog("[ " + addr + "] End of connection", LogLevel.Action);
} }
/** Respond to next request incomming on socket s. /** Respond to next request incomming on socket s.
@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ public class TrackerManagementTCP extends TrackerManagement {
ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<?> pd = new ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<>((Object)addr.getTCPSocket()); ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<?> pd = new ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<>((Object)addr.getTCPSocket());
handleRequest(pd); handleRequest(pd);
} catch (IOException e) { } catch (IOException e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Warning); writeLog(e, LogLevel.Warning);
return true; return true;
} catch (SocketClosed e) { } catch (SocketClosed e) {
return true; return true;
} catch (LocalException e) { } catch (LocalException e) {
logger.writeTCP(e, LogLevel.Warning); writeLog(e, LogLevel.Warning);
return true; return true;
} }
return false; return false;
