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DATA_SIZE_POSITION - Static variable in class protocolP2P.UpdateRatio
dataHomeDirectory - Variable in class tools.Directories
dataSize - Variable in class protocolP2P.UpdateRatio
DEBUG - Static variable in class clientP2P.ClientP2P
DEBUG - Static variable in class gui.ClientP2PGUI
DEBUG - Static variable in class serverP2P.ServerP2P
DEBUG - Static variable in class tracker.Tracker
debugMode - Variable in class tools.Logger
defaultPort - Variable in class tools.PortRange
Denied - Class in protocolP2P
Representation of payload for denied response.
Denied(String, long) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.Denied
Constructor (typically used by server) with informations about file part to send as parameters.
Denied(byte[]) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.Denied
Constructor (typically used by client) with Packet received as parameter.
DIFF_PERCENT_PROGRESS - Static variable in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
DIFF_TIME_PROGRESS_MILLIS - Static variable in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
directories - Variable in class clientP2P.ClientP2P
directories - Variable in class gui.ClientP2PGUI
directories - Variable in class serverP2P.ServerP2P
Directories - Class in tools
Helper to get application directories.
Directories(String) - Constructor for class tools.Directories
Constructor with projectName parameter.
directories - Variable in class tracker.Tracker
dirStorage - Variable in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
DiscoverRequest - Class in protocolP2P
Representation of payload for discover request.
DiscoverRequest(String) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.DiscoverRequest
Constructor with filename (typically used by client).
DiscoverRequest(byte[]) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.DiscoverRequest
Constructor (typically used by server) with a byte[] parameter containing the Packet received.
DiscoverResponse - Class in protocolP2P
Representation of payload for discover response.
DiscoverResponse(String, List<HostItem>) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.DiscoverResponse
Constructor with filename (typically used by tracker).
DiscoverResponse(byte[]) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.DiscoverResponse
Constructor (typically used by server) with a byte[] parameter containing the Packet received.
doTasks() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart
Send one request and wait for one response.
download(String) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagement
Try to download a file
download() - Method in class gui.DownloadFileGUI
downLoader - Variable in class clientP2P.ClientManagement
DownloadFileGUI - Class in gui
DownloadFileGUI(String, ClientManagement, Logger, ServerManagementTCP, ServerManagementUDP) - Constructor for class gui.DownloadFileGUI
downloadPart(T) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart
Download file part associated to the request send (d).
DownloadSelectionGen - Class in gui
DownloadSelectionGen(String[], ClientManagement, Logger, ServerManagementTCP, ServerManagementUDP) - Constructor for class gui.DownloadSelectionGen
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