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cachePunishmentProbability - Variable in class serverP2P.RatioWatcher
checkCheckSum(byte[]) - Method in class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketUDP
Used to check if the checksum is correct
checkProtocolVersion() - Method in class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket
Used to check protocol version when a Packet is constructed from bytes[].
checkRequestResponseCode() - Method in class protocolP2P.Payload
Used to check RRCode used is compatible with this class use, or if a more specific subclass is required.
CHECKSUM_POSITION - Static variable in class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketUDP
checkTasksStatus() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
Remove tasks from failed threads.
clean() - Method in class serverP2P.RatioWatcher
Invalidate the cache by cleaning all hashmaps
cleanStrings(String) - Static method in class tools.BytesArrayTools
Remove trailing null bytes from string.
client - Variable in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
client - Variable in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart
client - Variable in class clientP2P.ClientManagement
client - Variable in class protocolP2P.UpdateRatio
CLIENT_PORT_START_POSITION - Static variable in class protocolP2P.UpdateRatio
ClientDownload - Class in clientP2P
Class to download file
ClientDownload(String, List<HostItem>, String, String, Logger, HostItem, HostItem) - Constructor for class clientP2P.ClientDownload
Constructor with parameters: filename, list of hosts, parts subdirectory and dirStorage
ClientDownloadPart - Class in clientP2P
Class to download file parts.
ClientDownloadPart(ClientDownload, String, String, Logger, HostItem, HostItem) - Constructor for class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart
Constructor with filename, socket, and part subdir
ClientDownloadPartTCP - Class in clientP2P
Class to download file parts on tcp.
ClientDownloadPartTCP(ClientDownload, String, Socket, String, Logger, HostItem, HostItem) - Constructor for class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPartTCP
Constructor with filename, socket, and part subdir
ClientDownloadPartUDP - Class in clientP2P
Class to download file parts on udp.
ClientDownloadPartUDP(ClientDownload, String, DatagramSocket, String, Logger, HostItem, HostItem) - Constructor for class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPartUDP
Constructor with filename, socket, and part subdir
ClientDownloadTCP - Class in clientP2P
Class to download file from tcp
ClientDownloadTCP(String, List<HostItem>, String, String, Logger, HostItem, HostItem) - Constructor for class clientP2P.ClientDownloadTCP
Constructor with parameters: filename, list of hosts, parts subdirectory and dirStorage
ClientDownloadUDP - Class in clientP2P
Class to download file from udp
ClientDownloadUDP(String, List<HostItem>, String, String, Logger, HostItem, HostItem) - Constructor for class clientP2P.ClientDownloadUDP
Constructor with parameters: filename, list of hosts, parts subdirectory and dirStorage
ClientHandler(Socket) - Constructor for class serverP2P.ServerManagementTCP.ClientHandler
Constructor with a socket.
ClientHandler(Socket) - Constructor for class tracker.TrackerManagementTCP.ClientHandler
Constructor with a socket.
ClientInterface - Class in clientP2P
Implementation of P2P-JAVA-PROJECT CLIENT interface
ClientInterface(ClientManagement, Logger) - Constructor for class clientP2P.ClientInterface
Constructor with clientManagement and logger.
ClientInterfaceCLI - Class in clientP2P
Implementation of P2P-JAVA-PROJECT CLIENT interface for CLI
ClientInterfaceCLI(ClientManagement, Logger, Scanner) - Constructor for class clientP2P.ClientInterfaceCLI
Constructor with clientManagement, logger and scanner.
ClientInterfaceGUI - Class in gui
Implementation of P2P-JAVA-PROJECT CLIENT interface for CLI
ClientInterfaceGUI(ClientManagement, Logger, ServerManagementTCP, ServerManagementUDP) - Constructor for class gui.ClientInterfaceGUI
clientManagement - Variable in class clientP2P.ClientInterface
ClientManagement - Class in clientP2P
Implementation of P2P-JAVA-PROJECT CLIENT
ClientManagement(String, HostItem, String, Logger, HostItem) - Constructor for class clientP2P.ClientManagement
Constructor with baseDirectory, tracker, partsSubdir, logger, and scanner parameters.
clientManagement - Variable in class gui.DownloadFileGUI
clientManagement - Variable in class gui.DownloadSelectionGen
ClientManagementTCP - Class in clientP2P
Implementation of P2P-JAVA-PROJECT CLIENT
ClientManagementTCP(String, HostItem, String, Logger, HostItem) - Constructor for class clientP2P.ClientManagementTCP
Constructor for TCP implementation, with baseDirectory, tracker, partsSubdir, logger, and scanner parameters.
ClientManagementUDP - Class in clientP2P
Implementation of P2P-JAVA-PROJECT CLIENT
ClientManagementUDP(String, HostItem, String, Logger, HostItem) - Constructor for class clientP2P.ClientManagementUDP
Constructor for UDP implementation, with baseDirectory, tracker, partsSubdir, logger and scanner parameters.
clientP2P - package clientP2P
ClientP2P - Class in clientP2P
Client + Server implementation.
ClientP2P(String, int, String, int) - Constructor for class clientP2P.ClientP2P
ClientP2PGUI - Class in gui
Client + Server implementation in GUI
ClientP2PGUI(String, int, String, int, String) - Constructor for class gui.ClientP2PGUI
closeHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
Close HostItem socket
closeHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadTCP
Close HostItem socket
closeHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadUDP
Close HostItem socket
closeHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagement
Close HostItem socket
closeHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagementTCP
Close HostItem socket
closeHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagementUDP
Close HostItem socket
closeHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class tracker.TrackerManagement
Close HostItem socket
closeHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class tracker.TrackerManagementTCP
Close HostItem socket
closeHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class tracker.TrackerManagementUDP
Close HostItem socket
closeSocket() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart
Close the socket
closeSocket() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPartTCP
Close the socket
closeSocket() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPartUDP
Close the socket
closeSocket() - Method in class serverP2P.ServerManagement
Closes socket
closeSocket() - Method in class serverP2P.ServerManagementTCP
Closes socket
closeSocket() - Method in class serverP2P.ServerManagementUDP
Closes socket
closeTCPSocket() - Method in class tools.HostItem
Closes tcp socket
closeTrackerSocket() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagement
Close Tracker socket
closeTrackerSocket() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagementTCP
Close Tracker socket
closeTrackerSocket() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagementUDP
Close Tracker socket
closeTrackerSocket() - Method in class serverP2P.RatioWatcher
Closes tracker socket
closeTrackerSocket() - Method in class serverP2P.RatioWatcherTCP
Closes tracker socket
closeTrackerSocket() - Method in class serverP2P.RatioWatcherUDP
Closes tracker socket
closeUDPSocket() - Method in class tools.HostItem
Closes udp socket
CodeType - Enum in protocolP2P
Request/Response code's type enum.
CodeType() - Constructor for enum protocolP2P.CodeType
codeType - Variable in enum protocolP2P.RequestResponseCode
codeValue - Variable in enum protocolP2P.RequestResponseCode
computeCheckSum(byte[]) - Method in class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketUDP
Compute checksum associated to packet.
computeHashsum(String, HashAlgorithm) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagement
Compute Hashsum of a file.
computeStringArraySize(String[], String) - Static method in class tools.BytesArrayTools
Compute size of string array once converted to byte array with separator
connect() - Method in class gui.ClientP2PGUI
Initiate a connection using fields from ArgumentsGen
constructPacket(byte[]) - Method in class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketTCP
Private constructor helper with packet as byte[] parameter (typically used when receiving Packet response/request).
constructPacket(byte[], Socket) - Method in class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketTCP
Private constructor helper with packet as byte[] parameter and (typically used when receiving Packet request).
constructPacket(byte[]) - Method in class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketUDP
Private constructor helper with packet as byte[] parameter (typically used when receiving Packet response/request).
constructPacket(byte[], DatagramSocket) - Method in class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketUDP
Private constructor helper with packet as byte[] parameter and (typically used when receiving Packet request).
createDownloadPart(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
Create a clientDownloadPart
createDownloadPart(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadTCP
Create a clientDownloadPart
createDownloadPart(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadUDP
Create a clientDownloadPart
createProtocolP2PPacket(T) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPartTCP
Create packets
createProtocolP2PPacket(T) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPartUDP
Create packets
createProtocolP2PPacket(T) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadTCP
Create packets
createProtocolP2PPacket(T) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadUDP
Create packets
createProtocolP2PPacket(T) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagementTCP
Create packets
createProtocolP2PPacket(T) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagementUDP
Create packets
createProtocolP2PPacket(T) - Method in class serverP2P.RatioWatcher
Create packets
createProtocolP2PPacket(T) - Method in class serverP2P.RatioWatcherTCP
Create packets
createProtocolP2PPacket(T) - Method in class serverP2P.RatioWatcherUDP
Create packets
createProtocolP2PPacket(T) - Method in class serverP2P.ServerManagementTCP
Create packets
createProtocolP2PPacket(T) - Method in class serverP2P.ServerManagementUDP
Create packets
createProtocolP2PPacket(T) - Method in class tools.ServeErrors
Create packets
createProtocolP2PPacket(T) - Method in class tracker.TrackerManagementTCP
Create packets
createProtocolP2PPacket(T) - Method in class tracker.TrackerManagementUDP
Create packets
createSubdir(String) - Method in class tools.Directories
Create a subdirectory.
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