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P2P-JAVA-PROJECT version 1 (Protocol for step 1)

All messages begins with P2P-JAVA-PROJECT VERSION 1.0\n (this version of the protocol).

Client messages

  • LIST\n: ask the server to list files from server root directory
  • DOWNLOAD\n<FILENAME>\n: ask the server to download file from server root directory. Only one filename is allowed per request.

Server responses

  • The response to LIST request is in the format LIST\n<FILENAME 1>\n<FILENAME 2>\n[…]<LAST FILENAME>\n\n
  • The response to DOWNLOAD request is LOAD\n<FILESIZE (BYTES)>\n<POSITION>\n<CONTENT OF FILE> or NOT FOUND\n if the file doesn't exists.
  • The server send a PROTOCOL ERROR\n message if it doesn't understands what the client sent.
  • The server send a INTERNAL ERROR\n message if it encounters an internal error.

P2P-JAVA-PROJECT version 1.1 (Binary protocol for step 1)

All strings in the datagram are utf-8 encoded.

1 byte:  [0-7: VERSION(0x11, first quartet is major version, second is minor)]
1 byte:  [8-15: REQUEST/RESPONSE CODE]
2 bytes: [16-31: RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE]
4 bytes: [32-63: PAYLOAD SIZE IN BYTES]
x bytes: [64-xx: PAYLOAD]

Requests and responses codes

  • REQUESTS (msb is 0):

    • LIST (0x00)
    • LOAD (0x01)
  • RESPONSES (msb is 1):

    • LIST (0x80)
    • LOAD (0x81)
    • VERSION ERROR (0xC0)
    • NOT FOUND (0xC4)
    • EMPTY FILE (0xC5)


Payload size for list request is always zero. Payload for list response is filenames separated by \n. Payload size for list response is never zero.

Empty directory

When directory is empty. Payload size for empty directory is always zero.


Not found

Response when the file requested is not found on the server. Payload size for Not found is zero.

Load response

Payload contains

8 bytes: [128-191: TOTAL FILESIZE]
4 bytes: [192-223: FILENAME SIZE] (cannot be > to PAYLOAD_SIZE - 20 or be zero)
y bytes: [<FILENAME>]
z bytes: [FILE CONTENT]

Load request

Payload contains only the name of the file to load.

Other response code (errors)

Version error

Response when datagram received use wrong version code.

Protocol error

Response when the request cannot be interpreted (but version is correct). Payload size for Protocol error is zero

Internal error

Response in internal failure case. Payload size for Internal error is zero.