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main(String[]) - Static method in class clientP2P.ClientP2P
Main program entry point. 1rst parameter is optionnal, and is used to define port used by the server module to listen.
main(String[]) - Static method in class gui.Gui
main(String[]) - Static method in class serverP2P.ServerP2P
Main program entry point first parameter is port number and is mandatory to test, run with: java serverP2P.ServerP2P
main(String[]) - Static method in class tracker.Tracker
Main program entry point first parameter is port number and is mandatory to test, run with: java serverP2P.ServerP2P
MainWindow - Class in gui
Class to download file
MainWindow() - Constructor for class gui.MainWindow
manager - Variable in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart
MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE - Static variable in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
MAX_PARTIAL_SIZE - Static variable in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart
MAX_SIZE_PARTIAL_CONTENT_POSITION - Static variable in class protocolP2P.LoadRequest
maxSizePartialContent - Variable in class protocolP2P.LoadRequest
message - Variable in class gui.ErrorFrame
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