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getAlgoList() - Method in class protocolP2P.HashRequest
AlgoList getter.
getClient() - Method in class protocolP2P.UpdateRatio
Client getter.
getDataHomeDirectory() - Method in class tools.Directories
Getter for dataHomeDirectory.
getDataSize() - Method in class protocolP2P.UpdateRatio
dataSize getter.
getDefaultPort() - Method in class tools.PortRange
Default port getter
getDone() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart
Get list of downloaded file parts offset, then clear this list.
getFailed() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart
Get list of offsets that have not be downloaded if failed, else empty list.
getFileList() - Method in class protocolP2P.FileList
fileList getter.
getFileList() - Method in class serverP2P.FileWatcher
FileList getter
getFilename() - Method in class protocolP2P.Denied
filename getter.
getFilename() - Method in class protocolP2P.DiscoverRequest
Filename getter.
getFilename() - Method in class protocolP2P.DiscoverResponse
Filename getter.
getFilename() - Method in class protocolP2P.FilePart
filename getter.
getFilename() - Method in class protocolP2P.HashRequest
Filename getter.
getFilename() - Method in class protocolP2P.HashResponse
filename getter.
getFilename() - Method in class protocolP2P.LoadRequest
filename getter.
getFilename() - Method in class protocolP2P.SizeRequest
filename getter.
getFilename() - Method in class protocolP2P.SizeResponse
filename getter.
getFilenameSize(byte[]) - Method in class protocolP2P.FilePart
Read filename’s size from Packet.
getHash(HashAlgorithm) - Method in class protocolP2P.HashResponse
hash getter
getHashSum512() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
Getter for hash512sum
getHashSum512(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
Get hashsum from server.
getHostItem() - Method in class protocolP2P.LoadRequest
hostItem getter.
getHostItem() - Method in class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket
Get hostItem of the sender
getHostItem() - Method in class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketTCP
Get hostItem of the sender
getHostItem() - Method in class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketUDP
Get hostItem of the sender
getHostItem() - Method in class protocolP2P.RatioRequest
HostItem getter.
getHostItem() - Method in class protocolP2P.RatioResponse
HostItem getter.
getHostItem() - Method in class protocolP2P.Register
HostItem getter.
getHostItem() - Method in class protocolP2P.Unregister
HostItem getter.
getHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
Getter for HostItem socket
getHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadTCP
Getter for HostItem socket
getHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadUDP
Getter for HostItem socket
getHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagement
Getter for HostItem socket
getHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagementTCP
Getter for HostItem socket
getHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagementUDP
Getter for HostItem socket
getHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class tracker.TrackerManagement
Getter for HostItem socket
getHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class tracker.TrackerManagementTCP
Getter for HostItem socket
getHostItemSocket(HostItem) - Method in class tracker.TrackerManagementUDP
Getter for HostItem socket
getHostList() - Method in class protocolP2P.DiscoverResponse
HostList getter.
getHostname() - Method in class tools.HostItem
Getter for hostname
getInetAddress() - Method in class tools.HostItem
Get InetAddress associated to this HostItem.
getMaxSizePartialContent() - Method in class protocolP2P.LoadRequest
maxSizePartialContent getter.
getName() - Method in enum protocolP2P.HashAlgorithm
getOffset() - Method in class protocolP2P.Denied
offset getter.
getOffset() - Method in class protocolP2P.FilePart
offset getter.
getOffset() - Method in class protocolP2P.LoadRequest
offset getter.
getPartialContent() - Method in class protocolP2P.FilePart
partialContent getter.
getPayload() - Method in class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket
Returns Payload associated with the Packet.
getPayloadSize(byte[]) - Static method in class protocolP2P.Payload
Get payload’s size from a Packet.
getPort() - Method in class tools.HostItem
Getter for port
getPunishmentProbability(HostItem) - Method in class serverP2P.RatioWatcher
Get Up-ratio for an applications
getReceivedBytesCount() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart
receivedBytesCount getter
getRequestResponseCode() - Method in class protocolP2P.Payload
RRCode getter.
getServer() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart
Server getter
getServer() - Method in class protocolP2P.UpdateRatio
Server getter
getSha512Map() - Method in class serverP2P.FileWatcher
Sha512 map getter
getSocket() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart
Get the socket
getSocket() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPartTCP
Get the socket
getSocket() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPartUDP
Get the socket
getSuccess() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
Success getter.
getTCPSocket() - Method in class tools.HostItem
Get TCP Socket.
getTotalDown() - Method in class protocolP2P.RatioResponse
totalDown getter.
getTotalSize() - Method in class protocolP2P.SizeResponse
totalSize getter.
getTotalUp() - Method in class protocolP2P.RatioResponse
totalUp getter.
getTrackerSocket() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagement
Getter for tracker socket
getTrackerSocket() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagementTCP
Getter for tracker socket
getTrackerSocket() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagementUDP
Getter for tracker socket
getTrackerSocket() - Method in class serverP2P.RatioWatcher
Tracker socket getter
getTrackerSocket() - Method in class serverP2P.RatioWatcherTCP
Tracker socket getter
getTrackerSocket() - Method in class serverP2P.RatioWatcherUDP
Tracker socket getter
getTrackerSocket() - Method in class serverP2P.ServerManagement
Getter for tracker socket
getTrackerSocket() - Method in class serverP2P.ServerManagementTCP
Getter for tracker socket
getTrackerSocket() - Method in class serverP2P.ServerManagementUDP
Getter for tracker socket
getUDPSocket() - Method in class tools.HostItem
Get UDP Socket return UDP Socket
gui - package gui
Gui - Class in gui
Class to download file
Gui() - Constructor for class gui.Gui
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