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partialContent - Variable in class protocolP2P.FilePart
partsDir - Variable in class clientP2P.ClientP2P
partsDir - Variable in class gui.ClientP2PGUI
partsSubdir - Variable in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
partsSubdir - Variable in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart
partsSubdir - Variable in class clientP2P.ClientManagement
Payload - Class in protocolP2P
Representation of payload.
Payload(RequestResponseCode) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.Payload
Consructor used to create Payload with a payload size of zero using a RRCode.
Payload(byte[]) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.Payload
Constructor used to create a Payload (when no more specific subclasses exists) using packet as parameter.
payload - Variable in class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket
PAYLOAD_SIZE_POSITION - Static variable in class protocolP2P.Payload
PAYLOAD_START_POSITION - Static variable in class protocolP2P.Payload
pendingTasks - Variable in class clientP2P.ClientDownloadPart
port - Variable in class tools.HostItem
PORT_START_POSITION - Static variable in class protocolP2P.RatioResponse
portMax - Variable in class tools.PortRange
portMin - Variable in class tools.PortRange
PortRange - Class in tools
Test ports.
PortRange(int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class tools.PortRange
Port range constructor
portServer - Variable in class gui.ClientP2PGUI
portTracker - Variable in class gui.ClientP2PGUI
printProgression() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
Print progression of the download.
printUsage(ServerPortRange, TrackerPortRange) - Static method in class clientP2P.ClientP2P
Print cli usage
projectName - Variable in class tools.Directories
PROTOCOL_VERSION - Static variable in class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket
ProtocolError - Exception in localException
ProtocolError() - Constructor for exception localException.ProtocolError
protocolP2P - package protocolP2P
protocolP2P - Variable in class gui.ClientP2PGUI
ProtocolP2PPacket<T extends Payload> - Class in protocolP2P
Representation of packet.
ProtocolP2PPacket(T) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket
Constructor with payload parameter (typically used when sending Packet).
ProtocolP2PPacket(Object) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket
Receive a request, subclasses must overwrite this constructor.
ProtocolP2PPacket(byte[]) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacket
Construct a packet from byte[], subclasses must overwrite this constructor.
ProtocolP2PPacketTCP<T extends Payload> - Class in protocolP2P
Representation of packet.
ProtocolP2PPacketTCP(T) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketTCP
Constructor with payload parameter (typically used when sending packet).
ProtocolP2PPacketTCP(Object) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketTCP
Receive Request (typically used from server).
ProtocolP2PPacketTCP(byte[]) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketTCP
Private constructor with packet as byte[] parameter (typically used when receiving Packet response).
ProtocolP2PPacketUDP<T extends Payload> - Class in protocolP2P
Representation of packet.
ProtocolP2PPacketUDP(T) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketUDP
Constructor with payload parameter (typically used when sending packet).
ProtocolP2PPacketUDP(Object) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketUDP
Receive Request (typically used from server).
ProtocolP2PPacketUDP(byte[]) - Constructor for class protocolP2P.ProtocolP2PPacketUDP
Private constructor with packet as byte[] parameter (typically used when receiving Packet response).
ProtocolRemoteError - Exception in remoteException
ProtocolRemoteError() - Constructor for exception remoteException.ProtocolRemoteError
punisher - Variable in class serverP2P.ServerManagement
punishmentFactor - Static variable in class serverP2P.RatioWatcher
purgeList() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
Removes servers not owning the correct file to download from list.
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