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inetAddress - Variable in class tools.HostItem
init() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
Initialize infos about file to download (size, hash512sum, partslist to dl).
initComponents() - Method in class gui.ArgumentsGen
This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form.
initComponents() - Method in class gui.DownloadSelectionGen
This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form.
initComponents() - Method in class gui.ErrorFrame
This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form.
initDirectoriesAndLoggers() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientP2P
Initialize loggers if directories and logger are null, else fail silently.
initDirectoriesAndLoggers() - Method in class gui.ClientP2PGUI
Initialize loggers if directories and logger are null, else fail silently.
initDownloader(String) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagement
Initialize downloader
initDownloader(String) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagementTCP
Initialize downloader
initDownloader(String) - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagementUDP
Initialize downloader
initFileList() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientInterfaceCLI
Initialize file list
initHostList() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientInterfaceCLI
Initialization of hostList with retry in failure
initHostList() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientManagement
Initialize hostList from tracker
initHostList() - Method in class gui.ClientInterfaceGUI
Initialization of hostList with retry in failure
initSha512() - Method in class serverP2P.FileWatcher
Init sha512 map.
initThreads() - Method in class clientP2P.ClientDownload
Starts threads for each server in hostList.
InternalError - Exception in localException
InternalError() - Constructor for exception localException.InternalError
InternalRemoteError - Exception in remoteException
InternalRemoteError() - Constructor for exception remoteException.InternalRemoteError
isPortInRange(int) - Method in class tools.PortRange
test if port given correspond a range : registered ports, can be used without superuser privileges
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